
愛神與親密 – 啓動生命的原創力 線上雙語課程

Eros and Intimacy – Connecting with Your Creative Life Force, Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:Elfi Dillon-Shaw & 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:June 18, 19, 25, 26, 2022
| 人數:103


這次中英雙語的「愛神和親密」課程,我們有 103 位註冊學員,其中 4 位作為銷售獎勵是免費的。 我們非常感謝 20 多人的工作團隊,他們是我們的小組助教和翻譯志工。 很高興這次課程中我們有五位學員是說英語的西方朋友們加入了我們的學習 — 感謝 Vicky 扮演了雙重角色,除了擔任 IT 技術支援外,同時也帶領了這次的英語小組。 我也很欣賞 Elfi 老師在課程中出色的表現。 Elfi,我喜歡和妳一起工作和學習。 我們也不斷收到學員們對這次課程的讚賞和正向反饋,他們的回饋特別是關於課程裡的豐富學習,以及這次在線學習於身心合一體驗上的有效性。

This is to provide the Summary Report of the Bilingual Eros and Intimacy Program. We had 103 registrants and 4 of them are free as sales incentives. We appreciate so much the over 20 people work team who are volunteers as our small group assistants and translators. We are delighted to include five English speaking participants – thank you Vicky for your double roles on IT and the English-speaking small group assistant. I also like to appreciate Elfi’s excellent work on this subject. I enjoy working and learning with you. We have been receiving appreciation and positive feedbacks from participants about the rich learning and the effectiveness of this online learning opportunity.

愛神與親密 – 啓動生命的原創力
Eros and Intimacy – Connecting with Your Creative Life Force







  • 身心合一的靜心冥想
  • 愛神和親密主題簡報
  • 創意與經驗式的學習
  • 小組分享與自我省思
  • 回家作業的落地實習


  • 活在愛中的七元素:情境背景、感官知覺、性感物化、親密連結、性別認同、全人健康,靈性價值。
  • 經由情境背景了解自己與他人
  • 在感官知覺中經驗生命的流動
  • 探索性感與權力的角色與物化
  • 親密關係中依附與獨立的推拉
  • 從全人健康的觀點看愛的習題
  • 在不同的性別認同中包容彼此
  • 大愛在靈性層次的價值與力量

這是一個加拿大海文和中國團隊的跨國合作!感謝双方的合作我們才有機會將海文精彩的課程持續地從加拿大本土推廣到全球的平台上。 建議您先下載WeChat軟體,所以您可以更方便地收到我們的課程錄影以及課程提醒。

Eros and Intimacy – Connecting with Your Creative Life Force

Daily life as “For Play”

Erotic energy, or life energy, is the creative force that moves us into connection with life and with nature. It circulates within our own bodies and draws us to another. Each one of us began life through the dance of Eros between two people.

In human relationships sexual erotic energy can often be a source of misunderstanding and struggle, shame, and guilt. With open hearts and deeper understanding about how erotic energy moves through our life and relationship cycles we can learn how to open to the pleasure of being fully alive in our senses, alone, and with each other. We learn to embrace the vulnerability and revelation that accompany erotic knowledge and sharing.

In this course you will be invited to learn how to nurture and engage your own erotic energy and, if you are partnered, how to share this with your loved one. We offer insight into the connection between erotic and spiritual experiencing through body centered learning, through dialogue with one another and self-reflection.

Erotic energy will ebb and flow even in the most loving couple. This could bring about suffering and misunderstanding in their relationship. We will explore how to communicate our erotic being with less shame, with honesty, and a loving heart.

Each session will focus on different topics related to Eros and Intimacy and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect and every person’s choice is respected. The format will include:

  • Embodiment meditations
  • Presentations about Eros and Intimacy in Relationships
  • Experiential exercises
  • Small group sharing and reflections
  • Take home practices

Topics and Highlights

  • Overview on Perspectives of Erotic Living – The Seven Circles of Sexuality: Context, Sensuality, Sexualization and Objectification, Intimacy, Sexual Identity, Whole Person Sexual Health, and Spirituality/Values
  • Sensuality: coming alive in the body through senses
  • Sexualization/Objectification: sex and power, sexuality post romance
  • Intimacy: eros in relationships, the desire for comfort vs the desire for novelty, the willingness to move from power to connection
  • Whole Person Sexual Health: physical/spiritual/relational, gender identity and roles, the role of values and spirituality in erotic life

主導老師 Leaders
Elfi Dillon-Shaw

is a massage practitioner, bodyworker and educator with 20 years’ experience fostering experiences of pleasure and well-being. She teaches programs on sexuality, body practices and stress management, including Sexual Intelligence, Stirring the Cauldron, and Eros and Intimacy (with her husband Gary Dillon). She has worked at The Haven since 1983.


Wen-Shwu Lee

Wenshwu is passionate as a corporate trainer and coach she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross cultural environments. Her leading style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates business trainings with personal experiences. She applies ideas of coaching, counseling, and creativity in the series of heart-brain integrated leadership development programs. She leads and assists personal growth workshops and leadership programs in China, Taiwan, and Canada. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is one of the Directors on The Haven Board and a member on the Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

加拿大The Haven学院心理谘商文凭

文淑是一位热情, 专业, 平易近人的导师, 她拥有跨东西文化的丰富人生阅历. 她的教学以人性为出发点, 在她热情关怀和洞察人心的教学风格中, 文淑有效整合了她的企业背景与生活经验, 巧妙地将教练领导, 心理咨商, 与创意启发等不同的技巧融会应用于身心整合与全人启发的人才培育工作中。多年来她在加拿大, 中国大陆以及台湾教授个人成长以及领导力开发课程, 引导学员从桎梏的个人模式中, 转化压力为有效的资源, 蜕变出每一个人的独特魅力与全方位的领袖风范。文淑目前是加拿大著名的潜能开发学院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心导师, 同时她是乐泉咨询顾问公司The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. 的创办人.。

This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and The China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.