
Transforming Addictions ~ English Online Program

Transforming Addictions ~ English Online Program
Part A: Building a Resilient Foundation
Part B: Sustaining Recovery & Embracing Life

| Leaders: Wen-Shwu Lee, Cathy Wilder, Vicky Frederiksen

Part A 9/15~10/20, 2020; Participants: 26
Part B: 11/3~19, 2020; Participants: 22
Part A 4/13~5/18, 2021; Participants: 22
Part B: 9/7~10/12, 2021; Participants: 22
Part A 3/1~4/12, 2022; Participants: 10
Part B: 5/17~6/28, 2022; Participants: 8

NOTE: both have been confirmed re: names and The Haven has permission to use

Dr Helen Peel: “
The Haven have managed to bring their unique, inspiring format and approach to the virtual platform. It’s wonderful to be able to have a slice of The Haven in my own home, especially in these challenging times.”

Chantelle Voisin: “
This is my second Haven experience, considering it was online I have to commend it came with the same amazing energy. I appreciate the ability to attend at a more cost-efficient amount due to the class being online, and it also allowed me to join while being in another province and maintaining my work schedule.

The teachers were great, the class was inclusive, the learning was very relevant, and I can apply the tools in my everyday life.

Thank you!

I would and do recommend the Haven to anyone that desires growth or change in their life in some shape or form. The community always welcoming and supportive; the teaching amazing and applicable. I realize in both my Haven experiences (one in person, one online) the energy of the environment is one of peace and healing. This allows the comfort and willingness to open up, be vulnerable, and work through what is needed. I cannot say enough good things, if you have not participated in the Haven before, now is the time!

Thank you, Haven team!”

Participant’s Feedback
Positive Feedback:

  • Leaders are passionate, knowledgeable, and engaged.
  • I think they are lovely; I like that they share their personal experiences. I enjoy their joyful energies, which radiate even via Zoom.
  • Well prepared and skilled.
  • Willing to be authentic and share previous vulnerabilities.
  • Great listeners and questioners.
  • The teachers were great, the class was inclusive, the learning was very relevant, and I can apply the tools in my everyday life.
  • The leaders were outstanding: energetic, compassionate, inclusive, and knowledgeable. They worked well as a team and yet each person shone as an individual instructor. They were able to create a safe environment for people to share, and they gave meaningful and supportive feedback.
  • Liked the group sharing, and really enjoyed the information on neuroscience of addiction.
  • A highlight for me was Gabor Mate’s presentation and I found the diagrams of models useful.
  • Liked Having a buddy to text with between classes. Personal examples of theories.
  • I enjoyed going into the small rooms and then back to the big rooms, I liked having a partner system, love the dancing breaks and meditation.
  • Wen-Shwu you light up a virtual room
  • A highlight for me was the song and poem at the end of each session. These were very moving and were obviously choses with great care.

Constructive Feedback:

  • I’m finding sometimes it can be hard to follow the teaching content. Clearer explanations would be helpful.
  • Less large group discussion, more teaching and workshop type exercises.
  • I would like the leaders to leave more silence after asking someone a question. They tend to fill the silence quickly and ask a different question or answer for the person without giving the person a chance to think.
  • Re: choosing buddies on Day 1: That part felt very rushed and pushed and did not feel like there was time to use discernment or notice who I might be drawn to or not.
  • I do not get as much out of group or break out discussions and would prefer a meaty presentation of new models and ideas from leaders before things are opened to everyone. I would prefer more directed rather than open-ended discussions.

Many people say The Haven was “the missing link” in their recovery from a variety of addictive behaviors.
We may hear the word “addiction” and think of alcohol or hard drugs, however, addictive substances can also include things like caffeine, sugar, tobacco, and cannabis. And, while substance addictions are common forms of dependency, they are also not the only ones! This series also applies to people struggling with behavioral addictions, like gambling, sex (including online pornography), internet browsing and social media, shopping, video gaming, plastic surgery, binge-eating/food, risk-taking, pain-seeking, spiritual obsessing, over-exercising, over-working, self-hate/victimization, and other addictive processes you may experience.

Are any of these statements true for you?

  1. I find myself slipping into unhealthy patterns.
  2. I’m in recovery, but I’m worried about relapse.
  3. I have trouble being intimate with others.
  4. I have struggled in destructive relationships.
  5. I don’t feel good enough or deserving.

If you can relate to any one of these, this series may be a perfect opportunity to first build a resilient foundation and next, sustain recovery and embrace life!

“The Haven have managed to bring their unique, inspiring format and approach to the virtual platform. It’s wonderful to be able to have a slice of The Haven in my own home, especially in these challenging times.” – Dr. Helen Peel, past participant

Series Format:
This 2-part series will be held on Zoom, incorporating experiential exercises, group discussion, breakouts, presentations and more. In addition to over 24 hours of live online learning, you will receive take-home practices and opportunities to connect with a buddy in the group. If you miss a session, you will be able to access the recordings. You can register for each part of the series individually or save by purchasing the package. The intention of a 2-part series extending over 6 months is to provide continuous learning, opportunities to repattern, and meaningful change.

“The teachers were great, the class was inclusive, the learning was very relevant, and I can apply the tools in my everyday life.” – Chantelle Voisin, past participant

Part A: Building a Resilient Foundation
Tuesdays 6-8pm PT, April 13th through May 18th

During these six 2-hour sessions you will learn

  • Rich discussion on freedom/self-responsibility, power/strength, shame/self-compassion
  • Introduction to Satir and Haven Models
  • Learning about neurobiology and addictions
  • Tools for shifting perspectives and patterns and building new neural pathways.
  • Building a community of support

Part B: Sustaining Recovery & Embracing Life
Tuesdays 6-8pm PT, September 7th through October 12th

During these six 2-hour sessions you will learn

  • Learning and practicing healthy communication, including conflict
  • Discovering courage through vulnerability
  • Considering and connecting to your spirituality
  • Discussing relapse
  • Learning how to incorporate self-care and ask for/give support
  • Thriving with purpose, meaning, engagement, creativity