
作者:露易丝(Louise Gallagher)
翻译 :韦辉
(The Haven翻译/咨询师)

I spent a week in the magic and wonder of Gabriola Island, taking a course at The Haven. To the sounds of the waves lapping at the shore, the seagulls squawking and the sea lions barking, I dove into the depths of my psyche, pondering the questions of what drives me to do and be who I am in the world.

加布里奥拉岛 (Gabriola Island) 是块妙土,我在那呆了一周,在岛上的海文学院上了一个课程。岛上波涛拍岸,海鸥鸣叫,海狮深吼;于声声不绝中,我跃入心灵深处,思索我是谁,是什么造就了今天的我。

Having coached for almost six years in Choices, I wasn’t sure what I would find, or uncover in the Come Alive program. Isn’t there a finite point of ‘knowing’ about me, myself and I? Isn’t there a point of ‘enough about me, let’s get on with living’ in personal development? I didn’t know what to expect and entered the retreat open to expecting the unexpected.

在Choices (注:北美著名教练技术培训)做了将近6年的教练后,我不太确定我能在《潜力苏醒》中找到什么,挖掘到什么从前未知的自己?难道自我了解不应该有个终点吗?在那我知道 “我已经够懂我自己了,接下来要努力过好日子”。我不知该对课程抱什么期待,然而既来之,便安于未知。

I was not disappointed.


Driving out to the coast, crossing the Coquahalla Highway in snow and rain and sleet, I was almost side-swiped by a semi-trailer hauling a load of logs. It began to veer left and right, left and right just as I was passing it on an incline. Frightened by the combination of the sideways movement of its trailer load of logs and the icy road, I was hesitant to speed up. But, as its fishtailing became more and more exaggerated I pressed on the gas and sped in front of it. Looking back in my rear view mirror, I saw the trailer portion slip into the lane beside it,the lane I would have been in if I had not sped up.


I carried on, the image of the semi fishtailing imprinted on my mind.


Normally, ‘near misses’ are simply that to me — misses. They didn’t happen. Let it go.


But this one stuck around. I didn’t know why, but I could feel it eating away at my peace of mind.


At the Haven, during an exercise in breathing, the memory of that event swept over me and tears flowed from my eyes. “I must be relieved it didn’t happen. It must be the release of remembering,” I thought. But, as I dug into the feelings surrounding my tears, ‘the truth’ rose up.


For almost five years while in a relationship with a man who wanted to kill me, I yearned for death. Even after his arrest, tendrils of that yearning would appear luring me away from life. In seeing that semi swerve into my lane it wasn’t that I was grateful to be alive (which I am), it was that I feared those tendrils of wishing for death to release me from life still existed somewhere within me.


I breathed. Deeply.


“We can explore this deeper,” one of the facilitators invited me when I mentioned what I believed to be true of my fear.


And so I did. Explore it more deeply. And in my exploration I came face to face with death, and life. I came face to face with the lure of ‘no more’ pain, sorrow, fear, loneliness…. and embraced life — in all its uncertainty, all its beauty, all its life-giving force.


And in that embrace I chose to cut the threads of deaths cloying breath, to free myself to live this one wild and precious life in the rapture of now.


Life is a choice. Always. And in every way. It is a choice to be present, to be aware, to be awake. Life is the choice I make when I step over the threshold of my fear I am not good enough, I am notenough, I am too small, too big, too young, too old, too less, too much, too anything other than who I am, in this moment right now. Fearlessly. Passionately. Completely Alive.

生命从来都充满选择,可见于生活的方方面面。是否留在当下,是否觉察,是否苏醒,都在于我们的选择。常常担心 “不够好”,“太卑微”,“太渺小”,“太耀眼”,“太年轻”,“年纪太大”,“太多”,“太少”,却独独没有看到真正的自己。当我跨过这种种恐惧,我做出了对生命的选择。此刻,我无所畏惧,充满了对生命的热情,我终于活了过来。

I spent a week at The Haven, exploring, delving in, opening up to Come Alive.


I am grateful. I am peaceful. I am Alive!
