
転化上癮的模式 線上雙語課程

Transforming Addictions ~ Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee + Cathy Wilder
| 時間:2/20, 21, 27, 28, 2021
| 學員:65人


Wen-Shwu Lee and Cathy Wilder, with their rich life experiences from the East and the West, and their professional studies on the subject, present to you this wonderful learning opportunity on Transform Addictions!


Many people say The Haven was “the missing link” in their recovery from a variety of addictive behaviors, which include cellphone, internet, coffee, sugar, food, work, sex, romance, or the familiar problems of cigarettes, alcohols, or drugs. This program is not a replacement for clinical treatment for alcohol, drug, food, and other addictions, but rather a complement or follow-up to protocols like the 12-steps or counseling. By integrating the Haven models based on eastern and western principles and philosophy, you’ll benefit from a holistic approach to your recovery. Learn practical tools to deepen your existing growth, tap into your inner resources, and find grounding and self-acceptance. This program is not for people actively using drugs or alcohol.




  • 孤立或連結,挫折與傷痛,呈現脆弱的勇氣
  • 羞愧與自我疼惜
  • 腦神經科學與上癮行為
  • 健康關係的重建

Program Highlights
This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and Haiwen (China). We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally.

In this program, you will discover healthy beliefs and learn practical tools to build your resilience on your journey of transforming addictive behaviors.


  • Addiction, Connection, Frustration, Trauma, Vulnerability
  • Shame and Self Compassion
  • Neurobiological Perspectives on Addiction
  • Rebuilding healthy relationships

講師簡介 About the Leaders

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

韋凱西 Cathy Wilder
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師


Cathy Wilder, Haven Core Faculty, MEd, RCC, Dip-C, is a creative and compassionate group leader, counsellor and coach, who leads Come Alive, and Deep Listening: Core Skills for Coaching, and other workshops in both Canada and China. She is a skilled clinical counsellor with a specialty in addictions, alongside a deep understanding of mental health concerns, working with Fraser Health MHSU for twenty years.