Youth Leadership – Relational Growth, Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:李文淑 & Jamison Schulz-Franco
| 時間:Feb. 12, 13, 19, 20, 2022
| 人數:73

賈米森和我在 2022 年 2 月完成了這個有意義的課程。

在 2022 年 2 月我們進行的是「青年領導力」的第二階段:「在關係中成長茁壯」的主題,我們有 73 名學員報名註冊。 我們不斷從在地的中國團隊和參與學員那裡收到良好的反饋 — 他們的反饋主要圍繞著:這次課程的雙導師是跨代共同領導,還有主題的實用性,以及這是為年輕族群特別設計的課程,其中涵義深遠。

賈米森,我喜歡和你一起工作,很欣賞你如何一步一步地展現自己,並在你的熱情和真實中閃耀。 你的個人分享給人們留下了美好的印象。 希望你有信心和勇氣為你是誰感到自豪,並看到你在所選擇的專業中具有成為領導者的潛力。

最後也是重要的是中國團隊和加拿大海文團隊之間的團隊協作 — 我知道每一步都充滿挑戰,然而我們堅持不懈,從心底深處我感謝你們!

Jamison and I have accomplished this meaningful project in Feb. 2022.

On Part B in Feb. 2022, we have 73 registrants. We have been receiving good feedbacks from both the local team and the participants – their feedbacks are mostly around the cross-generational co-leadership, the practicality of the topics and the meaningfulness of this project.

Jamison, I enjoy working with you, and I appreciate how you step-by-step bringing yourself forth and shine in your passion and authenticity. Your personal sharing has left good impression on people. I wish you faith and courage to be proud of who you are and see your potential as a wonderful leader in your chosen profession.

Most importantly is the teamwork between the China Team and the Haven Team – I know every step is challenging and we are hanging in. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

青年領導力 – 在關係中成長茁壯
Youth Leadership – Relational Growth

We welcome youth aged 19-35. Join us as we explore and co-create in the adventure of life!



這次課程我們難得請到跨代跨文化的双人組:六十歲來自台灣的李文淑搭配二十歲來自加拿大的傑米森!在領導力以及企業人才培育有長年經驗的文淑老師大家並不陌生,在此特別介紹年輕充滿活力的傑米森 (Jamison Schulz-Franco)給大家認識:傑米森和文淑目前都是海文學院的董事,可以猜測得到傑米森是目前海文最年輕的董事。傑米森之前多次參與協助加拿大海文學院的青年領導力課程,在那些工作經驗中他了解到,他的恐懼很大的程度抑制了他對冒險的渴望。他指出,在探索自己的渴望時感到內疚,直到他學會真實表達他的恐懼,他才真正發掘出自己的特質。渴望是深入未知領域的探索 — 與蹣跚學步的我們在學會自由奔跑時的內在喜悅重新連結,夢想著我們成年後會做的驚人的事情。如果我們壓抑自己的渴望,就會對自己和所愛的人感到麻木。這個精彩的課程提供了一個安全的時空來探索我們的內在世界,同時學習創造健康持久並且令人滿意的關係。

我們將深入探索關係的互動與成長 — 通過了解自己,我們得以了解他人,我們將學習如何與自己、彼此和世界共存。在健康關係的基礎上,我們能夠溝通連結,建立親密的關係。加入我們!讓我們一起敞開心來探討有關同理心、界限等重要的主題!


  • 律動,呼吸及當下覺察的練習
  • 課程簡報及主題講述
  • 創意與經驗式學習
  • 小組分享與互動
  • 大組問答
  • 回家作業身體力行


  • 青年領導人的溝通藝術 Communication & Connection – 如何在不同意與衝突立場中保持好奇
  • 青年領導人的親密關係 Intimate Relationship – 如何在關係中既有連結做自己
  • 性的兩種面向:愛與欲求 Love and Desire – 什麼是愛?什麼是欲求?創造健康關係中平衡學習的機會
  • 青年領導人所面臨的世紀挑戰 World Challenges – 我們的未來在那裡?我們可以做些什麼?


So often we define ourselves by our jobs, our friend groups, our occupations, and our accomplishments. As young people we are told that we are in a crucial period of growth and change, yet the expectation is that we do that while managing a thousand other tasks, all at once. When you pile on political and social upheaval, war and conflict, and a worldwide pandemic, life can become more of a stress than a pleasure. Whether we know it or not, we have a vision for our lives, mapping out how we want to prove ourselves to the world, to our families and to our partners. In school we are told about all the careers that we may follow to fulfill us, but we are not taught how to check-in with our emotional center, how to face our failures or frustrations, or how to be intimate with others. How are we supposed to know what we want in our lives, without truly knowing ourselves first?
This program responds to the above questions, and it’s designed for our youth friends aged 19 to 35. It offers a guide for you to be your own leader so that you can lead your own life. We offer tools to create a trusting relationship with yourself while having open conversations with others who are experiencing the emotions of early adulthood alongside you. The beauty of sharing yourself with others is that you learn to co-create relationships with people who support you to bring your most authentic self forward. This platform is offered so that we have a safe space to explore our emotions and our relationships, to create a foundation of ourselves that we can work with and continue to work from for the rest of our lives.

We have unique cross-generational co-leadership team in this program: 61-year-old Wen-Shwu Lee and 21-year-old Jamison Schulz-Franco. You may know Wen-Shwu who has spent many years devoting herself to leadership training and emotional development programs at the Haven. We are excited to introduce Jamison, who like Wen-Shwu, is also a Director on the Haven Board. From his previous experiences facilitating the Haven Youth Leadership programs, Jamison has learned how much his fears withhold his desire for adventure. He notes that he has felt guilt in exploring his desires, and it wasn’t until he voiced his fears that he has been able to discover and be in his element. Jamison realizes desire is exploring the unknown – a reconnection to the joyful voice within that we let run free as toddlers, dreaming of the amazing things we would do as adults. If we suppress our desires, we can feel numb to ourselves and our loved ones. This program offers a safe space to explore our internal states, while learning to create truly fulfilling relationships that are healthy and sustainable.

In February 2022, we will explore relational growth (the idea that by learning about ourselves we learn about others). How can we be present with ourselves, each other, and the world? At a healthy relationship’s foundation, we find communication, connection, and intimacy. Join us as we have an open conversation around empathy, boundaries and more!

Each session will focus on different topics, and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect, where every person’s choice is honored. The format will include:

  • Embodied movement, breathing and mindfulness exercises
  • Lectures and presentations
  • Experiential exercises
  • Small group sharing and reflections
  • Big group Q&A
  • Take home practices

Topics and Highlights

  • Communication & Connection – How to remain curious in conflicts and amidst differences.
  • Intimate Relationship – The dance between being me and being in relationship.
  • Love and Desire – What is love and what is desire – finding balance in healthy relationships.
  • World Challenges – Where are we headed and what can we do?

This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and our China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.


傑米森 Jamison Schulz-Franco
傑米森最近畢業於加拿大多倫多的瑞爾森大學。他在加拿大海文學院的經典課程『聚光燈下的孩子』和『青少年潛力甦醒』有超過十五年的參與以及實習經驗。從大學最後一年開始,傑米森希望分享他在情緒覺察上的體驗,他希望與朋友和同事之間開啟更開放並有益身心健康的對話。作為一個混血兒,傑米森堅定的倡導種族平等、公正和包容,他對人性化的連結充滿了熱情。 傑米森最近開始與加拿大維多利亞移民和難民中心工作,這是一個橫跨不列顛哥倫比亞省的反種族主義和反仇恨工作組織。

Jamison Schulz-Franco is a recent graduate of Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. He has over 15 years of experience as a participant and an intern in both Kids in the Spotlight and Teens Alive at the Haven. Through his final year of university and beyond, Jamison hopes to share his experience in emotional awareness programs to open a more open mental health dialogue for his friends and peers. As a mixed-race individual, Jamison is a strong advocate for racial equality, equity, and inclusion, and has a passion for human connection. Jamison recently started work with the Victoria Immigration and Refugee Centre Society in the Resilience Hub – an anti-racism and hate network across British Columbia.

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

Step Forth into the Year of TIGER, Online Funding Raising

| 主講:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:Feb. 6, 2022
| 人數:81

以下提供此次募款講座的總結報告。 我們有 81 人註冊,2022 年 2 月 6 日當天大約有 70 人上線。我們收到了非常積極正向的學員反饋,大家都很開心我們有機會在線上連結,並為虎年一起做好準備! 活動當天我們有幾位說英語的朋友加入,因此活動仍然是以中英雙語進行的。 雖然我們從這兩個小時的講座中沒有太多實質金錢的收入,但這次的活動旨在與海文朋友們連結,並且是一場公益活動,希望回贈給在充滿挑戰的歲月中一直支持著The Haven 海文學院的所有朋友們。

Hereafter I’m providing the summary report of the subject program. We have 81 signed up and around 70 came online on Feb. 5, 2022. We received very positive feedbacks and people appreciated the opportunity to connect and get ready for the Year of Tiger! We had a couple English- speaking friends on the event day so the event remained bilingual! Although we don’t have much income from these two hours talk, and the program meant to connect and give back to our participants who have been supporting Haven during these challenging years.

在线:啟動向前的力量 – 虎虎生風迎新年!

对于许多个人、家庭和企业来说,2021 年是充满挑战的一年。这个活動是一个很好的机会,讓我們回顾、反思并找到值得庆祝的希望,活動會在相互分享和連結的过程中進行 — 連結共創,这就是 Haven 最擅长的!

加入我们,如果您 …

  • 想以一种有意义的方式与人相处
  • 想与新老朋友一起庆祝一年的变化
  • 想支持 Haven 的经济援助计划
  • 正在寻找 2022 年的灵感
  • 想要一些新的观点


  • 聽聽文淑老師對「啟動向前」在專業上以及個人經驗上的分享
  • 經由瞑想練習,互動討論,大組問答,學員們有機會反思或处理2021年的起起落落,啟動邁向2022的行動力!
  • 与其他精彩的學員互動連結
  • 讓我們一起舉杯迎新!

50.00 加元 – 這個活動的实际价值。
您可以選擇自由付費:1.00 加元至 49.00 加元!

2 月 6 日星期日,中國標準时间上午10-12 点 CST
2 月 5 日星期六,太平洋时间傍晚6-8 点 PT



李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

李文淑:企業教練碩士認證, 心理諮商文憑, 企管碩士, 藝術學士, 文學士
文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師,她擁有跨東西文化的豐富人生閱歷。她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷和洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效整合了她的企業背景與生活經驗,巧妙地將教練領導,心理諮商,與創意啟發等不同的技巧融會應用於身心整合與全人啟發的人才培育工作中。多年來她在加拿大,中國大陸以及台灣教授個人成長以及領導力開發課程,引導學員從桎梏的個人模式中,轉化壓力為有效的資源,蛻變出每一個人的獨特魅力與全方位的領袖風範。文淑目前是加拿大著名的潛能開發學院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心導師,同時她是樂泉諮詢顧問公司The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. 的創辦人。

Wen-Shwu Lee: CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, is an enthusiastic, professional, and approachable program leader. She has a rich life experience across Eastern and Western cultures. Her teaching is based on human nature. In her warm, caring, and insightful teaching style, Wen-Shwu has effectively integrated her corporate background and life experience, blending different skills such as coaching leadership, psychological counseling, and creative inspiration in the cultivation of physical and mental integration and holistic growth work. For many years, she has been leading and co-leading program in Canada, China, and Taiwan. Her growth programs and leadership development courses have guided many people transforming pressure or fixation into effective resources in discovery of individual’s unique charm and leadership style. Wen-Shwu is currently one of the Directors on The Haven Board and a member of The Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

Online: Stepping Forth into the Year of TIGER!

2021 has been another challenging year for many individuals, families, and businesses. This program is a wonderful opportunity to review, reflect and find some silver linings to celebrate, all in the process of sharing and connecting with each other – this is what Haven does best!

Come join us if…

  • You want to be with people in a meaningful way.
  • You want to mark the changing of the year with friends, old and new.
  • You want to support Haven’s Financial Aid program.
  • You are looking for inspiration for 2022.
  • You want some new perspectives.

Program Highlights:

  • Listen to Wen-Shwu’s experience sharing on “Stepping Forth!”
  • Through embodied visualization, interactive discussions in small groups, and large group questions and answers, participants can
  • reflect on or to deal with the ups and downs of 2021 and start their actions towards 2022!
  • Interactive connections with other wonderful participants
  • Let us toast to the new year together!

CAD$50.00 is the worth of the event.
You can choose to pay any amount, CAD$1~49!
You are also welcome to join us for free!

Feb. 6, Sunday, 10-12 am, CST
Feb. 5, Saturday, 6-8 pm, PT