Awakening from the Past Level II: From Resources to Resilience
Awakening from the Past Level III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others
線上雙語課程 Bilingual Online Program
| 階段二時間:9/11, 12, 18, 19, 2021; 學員:75人
| 階段三時間:10/16 ,17 ,30 ,11/1, 2021; 學員:79人
| 導師:Graemme Brown + 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
從過去覺醒的階段 II 和 III 課程中,我們連續收到了關於這兩個程序的讚賞反饋。反饋的亮點是人們如何欣賞在線學習的深度和身心體驗性,以及 Graemme老師如何富有創意和實用性地將不同學派的學習融入這一系列的線上課程中,其中包括了:Haven、Satir、SE、Polyvagal、IFS等,這真是很精彩的學習整合 !
This is to provide you the summary report of the Sep./Oct. Bilingual Awakening from the Past Level II & III Programs. Not a surprise we received wonderful feedbacks on these two programs in a roll. The highlights of the feedbacks are how people appreciate the depth and embodied learning online, and how Graemme creatively and practically integrated different schools of learning to this series of programs, such as Haven, Satir, SE, Polyvagal, IFS, etc. which is amazing!
從過去覺醒 II:整合資源讓我們在挑戰中培養韌性
Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience
從過去中覺醒 III:與自己和他人慈悲共振的連結
Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others
九月和十月份的中英双語課程邀請到海文的核心導師葛萊姆老師Graemme Brown,和李文淑老師Wen-Shwu Lee一起,帶領大家探索從過去覺醒的可能性,期待以身心整合的方式繼續在建構人際關係上提供新的可能性。課堂中我們會持續深入對我們現在生活的種種影響力,以及如何應對。我們的目標並不是改變過去,而是改變我們與過去的關係,讓我們更全然豐盛的活在當下。
九月份精彩的學習旅程:「從過去覺醒 II:整合資源讓我們在挑戰中培養韌性Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience」,我們會探索「全然存在」的方法:身體、思想、精神和情感。以慈悲心來理解我們早期的生活經歷,並將其轉化為有效的資源,以培養經營我們當前健康的人際關係。
十月份我們繼續學習的旅程:「從過去中覺醒 III:與自己和他人慈悲共振的連結 Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others」,我們將持續深入「全然存在」模式的練習,轉化我們過往的經驗為有效的資源,來搭建目前健康的人際關係。
雖然我們建議先完成「從過去覺醒 I:以身心整合的方式建構家庭關係新契機」課程,但這不是必需的,這三次不同階段的學習旅程可以相輔相成,同時也可以各自獨立。我們鼓勵參加課程之前有一些個人成長經驗(例如:海文、薩提爾、個人諮詢/治療等)是有幫助的。
從過去覺醒 II:整合資源讓我們在挑戰中培養韌性
- 探索持續衝擊您今天的生活以及您是誰的主要影響力
- 與您內在不同的自己,不同的「部分」進行慈悲的對話(尤其是羞愧的自己和自我批評的部分)
- 脆弱、防禦、「期望矩陣」、渴望:期望之下的普遍人類需求
- 一致性溝通的深入學習
- 這是以海文教學模式為核心的課程,同時我們也將採用下列學者的理念方法作為補充教學,讓每次的課程更為豐盛完整:彼得·萊文(Peter Levine)、維吉尼亞·薩提爾(Virginia Satir)、理查·施瓦茨(Richard Schwarz)、尤金·詹德林(Eugene Gendlin)、史蒂芬·波吉斯(Stephen Porges),和馬丁·普雷希特爾
從過去中覺醒 III:與自己和他人慈悲共振的連結
- 依戀理論的實際應用
- 識別您的自主神經系統狀態,並學習如何整合以進行情緒的自我護理
- 自我調節和共同調節(為什麼兩者都是必要的)
- 在您的重要關係中創建「人際互動目標」的練習
- 了解並練習表達不同人不同「愛的語言」
- 這是以海文教學模式為核心的課程,同時我們也將採用下列學者的理念方法作為補充教學,讓每次的課程更為豐盛完整:彼得·萊文(Peter Levine)、約翰·包爾比(John Bowlby)、道格拉斯·維尼考特(Douglas Winnicott)、瑪莉·安斯沃斯(Mary Ainsworth)、勞倫斯·黑勒(Laurence Heller), 艾林拉·培爾(Aline LaPierre),尤金·詹德林(Eugene Gendlin)、黛安·寶海勒(Diane Poole-Heller)、蘇·詹森(Sue Johnson)、蓋瑞·崔普曼(Gary Chapman) 和史蒂芬·波吉斯(Stephen Porges)。
For the coming September and October Bilingual Online Program – our Haven Core Facilitators Graemme Brown and Wen-Shwu Lee will continue to apply a mind-body approach to provide a different perspective on our relationships. In this workshop, we will further the exploration of the influences on us in our present and daily life. Our aim is to not change the past but to change our relationship with the past and begin to live more fully in the present.
In September on our journey of “Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience” we will explore a ‘whole-being’ approach (Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions) to compassionately understand and transform our early life experiences into resources that we can use to nurture our present-day relationships.
Why is the ‘body’ such an important part of this process? Can’t we just use cognitive or mindfulness approaches? The body is the container for our life-force: That vital essence of our well-being. We need to be able to regulate our energy and emotions in both directions: Calming and Exciting. Imagine being able to be calm and grounded when necessary *and* also be excited and remain present when you want to experience that aspect of your life-force.
By identifying and working to gain a ‘felt-sense’ of our internal resources and connections with others, we can create a sense of safety in our own bodies and minds. This sense of safety is a platform that we will build on to take the necessary risks to grow and explore our lives. We all have this innate ‘Resilience’ within us: We need to re-connect with it and consciously use it to create an embodied experience of loving. This is the doorway to experiences of ‘spirit in the body’ or as some call it, ‘Presence.’
On the October Program “Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others” we will continue to deepen the ‘whole-being’ approach to compassionately understand and transform our past experiences into resources and to nurture and enrich our relationships.
In this 3rd part of the programme, we will explore the concept of “Attachment” – which is the name given to how we form connections with our primary caregivers when we are infants. They are a map or ‘blueprint’ of how we will form all our future relationships. The good news is that these attachment patterns can be understood and transformed to nurture deeply satisfying relationships, seeing our own and others’ needs very clearly.
We will also learn the approach of “Regulation” – which is the name given to how we take charge of our nervous system rather than being a slave to it (which we call “Dysregulation”). Our ability to regulate our nervous system (and therefore our emotions) is directly connected to our attachment patterns. Many relationship difficulties can be traced to a misunderstanding of each other’s attachment style that triggers strong emotions.
We will also be learning how to speak another’s ‘love language’ (and them learning yours) is a compassionate practice that can help create safety in relationship through nervous system co-regulation. These ‘Love Languages’ apply to all kinds of relationships: Romantic, Friendships, Families and work / study colleagues.
While it is recommended that you have completed “Awakening from the Past I: A Mind Body Approach to Re-Imagining the Family,” it is not necessary. These different learning modules are complementary to each other and can be taken separately. It is helpful to have had some experience with personal work (Haiwen, Satir, individual counseling / therapy, etc.) prior to attending.
Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience
- Major influences in your life that still impact you today
- Compassionate conversations with your inner ‘parts’ (especially shame and self-criticism)
- Vulnerability, Defenses, The ‘Matrix of Expectations’, Yearnings: The universal human needs underneath our expectations
- Congruent communications
- Based on the work of: Peter Levine, Virginia Satir, Richard Schwarz, Eugene Gendlin, Stephen Porges and Martin Prechtel.
Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others
- Practical use of Attachment Theory
- Identifying your Autonomic Nervous System states and learning how to modulate them for emotional self-care
- Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation (why both are necessary)
- Exercises to create ‘Inter-Personal Goals’ in your important relationship
- Learn about ‘Love Languages’
- Based on the work of: Peter Levine, John Bowlby, Douglas Winnicott, Mary Ainsworth, Laurence Heller, Aline LaPierre, Eugene Gendlin, Diane Poole-Heller, Sue Johnson, Gary Chapman and Stephen Porges.
主導老師 Leaders
葛萊姆·布朗 Graemme Brown: Dip.C, SEP
葛萊姆,心理諮商文憑,身體經驗創傷治療師,自1985年以來一直與The Haven合作。他致力於「慈悲與溫和詢問」的鑽研,多年來專注於維吉尼亞·薩提爾模式、榮格的影子工作和彼得萊文的肢體經驗系統的研究。葛萊姆視他的Haven教職同仁為創意靈感的泉源,他們的風格和專業知識多種多樣。作為The Haven核心導師的成員,葛萊姆在中國和加拿大共同領導了Come Alive、Living Alive Phase I、Journey to Self、Family Reconstruction 和許多其他的成長課程。葛萊姆還是一位屢獲殊榮的錄音工程師,經營他的Zen Mastering工作室超過25年。他對音樂的熱愛和創作過程的奧秘在很大程度上體現了他在個人成長工作上所採取的模式。他目前在加拿大卑詩省的加布里奧拉島生活和工作。
Graemme Brown, Dip.C, SEP, has been associated with The Haven since 1985. He is dedicated to compassionate and gentle inquiry, focused on his experience with the philosophy of Virginia Satir, Jungian shadow work and Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing system. Graemme considers his Haven faculty colleagues as another source of creative inspiration with their great diversity of styles and expertise. As a member of The Haven’s core faculty, Graemme co-leads Come Alive, Living Alive Phase I, Journey to Self, Family Reconstruction and a number of other programs on Gabriola, in China and with First-Nation communities in Northern Canada. Graemme is also an award-winning recording engineer, running his Zen Mastering studio for over twenty-five years. His love of music and the mysteries of the creative process inform much of his approach to personal development training. He lives and works on Gabriola Island.
李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監
文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。
Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.