Friendship and Beyond: Maria and Linda’s Journey ~ Bilingual Online Webinar

| 講師:琳達·尼科爾斯 Linda Nicholls
| 日期:Dec. 19, 2021
| 學員:680人

謝謝您的支持與參與!Thank you for your support!
Haven團隊想表達我們對您衷心的感謝,感謝您加入 Linda Nicholls 在2021年十二月所講述有關她與 Maria Gomori 之間友誼的動人談話。


這個活動總共有 680 人註冊,其中420 人加入我們當天的現場直播。在您的幫助下,我們籌集了超過 30,000 加元(150,000 元人民幣)來幫助 Haven 度過這個充滿挑戰的時刻 !

加拿大 Haven 團隊還想對我們的中國團隊在這個活動上的支持表示我們深深的感謝 — 沒有你們,我們不可能做到的!特別感謝 Wei-Wei (Eric) 的翻譯 — 這是一項艱鉅的工作,而您做得這麼好。

北美 – 加拿大(從東海岸到西海岸)和美國
中美洲 – 哥斯達黎加
大洋洲 – 新西蘭、澳大利亞
亞洲 – 中國、馬來西亞、新加坡、日本、香港、台灣,等不同城市或地區。



We at Haven want to express our sincere and heart-felt gratitude to you for joining Linda Nicholls’ moving conversation about her friendship with Maria Gomori.

Thank you!

In total, 680 people registered and 420 were able to join us live. With your help, we raised just over $30,000 CAD (RMB$150,000) to help support Haven in this challenging time!!

The Canada Haven team also wants to express our deep gratitude to the China team for their support in making this program happen – we could not have done it without you! And a special thanks to Wei-Wei (Eric) for translation – it was a big job and you handled it with grace.

The participants were from five continents covering different corners on the globe, including:

Europe – France, Italy, Switzerland
North America – Canada (from coast to coast) and USA
Central America – Costa Rica
Oceania – New Zealand, Australia
Asia – China, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other cities and areas.

Thank you again!
Warmly and with all our Loving,

The Haven Team

學員回饋 Participant‘s Feedbacks

王勇剛 Oscar, Dec. 19, 2021
今天听到Linda老师分享的,和Maria老师长达37年友谊旅程中的真实故事,特别感动和温暖。她们是那样的真实,靠近,生活化,会争吵、说闲话、闲扯、一起逛街买衣服,会因为难以聚焦而偏离计划,会觉得时间不够用 …,好像就是我们身边的邻家老太太,吵了又和好的好闺蜜一样。对彼此足够敞开和真实,不在关系中退缩,不用伪装成受害者去讨好对方,停止指责自我负责。冲突时选择把什么放在第一位?是友谊、连结、对对方的爱,还是自尊或面子?并好奇对方那样选择的原因,底层有怎样的价值观或信念?也放下要去改变对方的期待。我听到在Linda看来,Maria内在对于萨提亚和家庭治疗的热爱与承诺,对世界与生活充满着热情与好奇,是她长寿且充满活力的关键。让我们记得,不管怎样,都要去做真实的自己,活出自己的一致性。

Today I heard Linda’s sharing of the true stories of her 37-year friendship journey with Maria. I was particularly moved and feeling warm. They were so real, close, and down to their everyday life. They would quarrel, gossip, chatty, or go shopping and buy clothes. They would deviate from their planning and were difficult to stay focus. They found there was not enough time… It seems they are the old ladies next to us, who fight with each other and then make peace as good friends. They were open and congruent with each other. They didn’t withdraw themselves from their relationship. They didn’t pretend to be victims to please each other. They found ways to stop accusing and became self-responsible. What do we choose to put first in conflicts? Is it friendship, connection, love for each other, or self-esteem or keeping face? And be curious about the underneath reason of the other person’s choice; what kind of values ​​or beliefs does the other person have? Also let go the expectations of changing the other person! I heard from Linda’s perspective that Maria’s profound love and commitment to Satir Family Therapy, and her passion and curiosity about the world and life are the keys to her longevity and vitality. Let us remember, no matter what, let’s be true to ourselves and live alive in our congruency.

五月胡(胡雪梅), Dec. 19, 2021

Today is my birthday, and I didn’t expect to spend my day online listening to the sharing of Linda and Maria. These two great psychologists also quarreled with each other, and would do something regardless to the other, and then return to their relationship. I suddenly sense that I am less critical of myself. Quickly and reflectively, I realize that I was always nervous when facing anger and quarrel in my past relationships. My defensive mode and attack accusation mode were activated then. I can sense the congruence and present flexibility of Maria – even if I annoyed the other person and the person stayed away, I could still return to the relationship, say I regret it, and face it again. There was nothing too terrifying about the other person’s rage. There was a little more permission in my heart, and there was more room for squinting. The momentary realization of these little permission and space is extremely precious to me. Speaking of how Maria faced death, I suddenly felt that I was connected to the world a bit bigger, and I felt a little open to the world, and my vision seemed to have suddenly widened. Although I haven’t seen anything yet, I feel that the connection has begun to happen little by little. At the same time, I can connect to life through my curiosity about the world. Thank you, the connection happened on this day of my birthday. It is very meaningful to me.

-玛莉亚‧葛茉利Maria Gomori & 琳达·尼科尔斯Linda Nicholls –


非常哀恸地我们通知大家:Maria Gomori 已于 2021 年 12 月 10 日安祥离世。由于她对Haven的深爱,以及她希望海文能在全球疫情压力中幸存,因此在她临别前告诉Linda,一定要按原定计划坚持完成这次的募款活动。这场演讲谈论的是她与琳达之间的友谊,玛丽亚也特别交待了琳达她想让琳达讲述哪些故事。

欢迎你的加入,一起来参与这场引人入胜的分享, 一起见证两位智者传奇的生命故事及她们深厚友谊,一起聆听她们的:

  • 生命与关系
  • 亲密与友谊
  • 成长与智慧
  • 从相同点连接,在不同点成长

玛莉亚‧葛茉利在她的生活中几乎没有「女性朋友」。然而,30 多年前,当她和弗吉尼亚萨蒂尔一起在海文学院时,她遇到了琳达·尼科尔斯。她们来自截然不同的文化和教育背景,但随着时间的推移,她们建立了密切而持久的联系。她们曾在加拿大和中国合作,共同创建许多工作坊(包括 「过渡」这个课程)。她们也分享了许多的旅行与冒险,包括几个欧洲和南美国家、墨西哥、纽约市、蒙特利尔和以色列。她们有热爱自由和终身学习的共同价值观。Maria 和 Linda 持续发现她们之间的相同与不同之处,从而启发彼此对话并深入探索,也进一步丰富了她们之间的关系。

Linda Nicholls
心理学博士、加拿大海文学院心理咨询师资格证书获得者,海文学院首席团体课程导师。曾任加拿大海文学院行政总裁,现为加拿大海文学院第一梯队首席讲师和心理咨询师,主要带领《潜力苏醒》、《阶段一:自我觉察》、《阶段二:自我与他人》和《界限》、《阴影》、《生命力的觉察》、《超越局限 拓展新视野》等加拿大海文学院核心课程。琳达从事企业管理、行销30余年,担任欧美多家大型公司的高级顾问、教练导师、训练师,并曾服务于IBM、微软、加拿大政府等诸多机构、组织。琳达学习和应用心理学三十多年,有成功带领近千场工作坊之经验。


纽约大学Inner MBA(在读)
加拿大The Haven学院资深翻译

2010年起,受训于加拿大The Haven学院国际心理咨询专业课程,2015年起在课程中担任翻译。
2018年起,跟随伯克利大学脑神经科学家Rick Hanson博士学习,接受正向脑神经重塑系统培训。
2021年9月,纽约大学 inner MBA。
2021年6月,哈佛大学Martha Beck博士Practical Way Finding Coaching培训。

他在加拿大海文亲密关系学院有将近10年的专业的学习和翻译经验,目前正在跟随伯克利大学Rick Hanson博士学习正向脑神经重塑课程,并在纽约大学Inner MBA项目中学习进修。他立志服务于这个世界,减少人们心灵的苦难,提升学员和客户的幸福感。

Conflict and Co-creation in Relationships ~ Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:Cathy McNally + 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:12/4, 5, 11, 12, 2021
| 學員:63人

這次課程我們有63位學員(18位來自加拿大海文網站,45位來自中國團隊的網站)。我們從學員那裡收到了非常好的反饋,特別是關於Cathy老師的個人分享和專業指導。非常感謝Cathy — 感謝你慷慨地向中國團隊捐贈了你的導師費用。一如既往地我要感謝整個團隊,包括我們的加拿大海文團隊和中國團隊,我們來自中國和台灣的15位小組老師,他們在線上和線下為10個小組提供了課間以及課後的支持與輔導。 這是一個團隊合作和共同創造的過程。謝謝你們每一位的付出!

We had 63 (18 from Haven website and 45 from The China Team). We received very good feedbacks from participants about Cathy’s personal sharing and professional guidance. My deep appreciation to Cathy – for your generous donation of your leader’s fee to The China Team. My appreciation to the whole team as always, including our Haven and The China Team, our 15 small group leaders from China and Taiwan who facilitated the 10 small groups online and offline. This is a teamwork and a process of co-creation. Thank you ALL!

“讓一個人去愛另一個人, ‬這可能是所有任務中最艱難最極致的一件, ‬也是我們最後的試驗和證明. ‬為做好這件事, ‬我們所有其他的工作都是為此而做的準備.”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

誠如著名的德國詩人萊納·瑪利亞·里爾克所言,人際關係常是我們生命中最艱苦的工作,然而也是最美好的禮物。在不曾停下腳步的忙碌世界裡,我們花在周遭重要關係的時間卻是越來越少。當全球疫情劇烈地改變著世界以及我們的此刻,也許正是重新審視我們重要人際關係的最佳時機。這個課程適用於我們所有生活與工作中的重要關係:夫妻、家人、朋友和同事。課程中我們將一起檢視我們如何參與並促成了這些重要關係的互動;在衝突和差異中我們如何了解自己並再次認識他人;我們如何使用有效的工具來進行重要卻難以啟齒的對話;更重要的,我們如何學習待在失去愛之後的苦痛中,更深入地探索埋藏在深處的愛與感受。這個課程是我們2021年終全球雙語線上學習的高點,課程將提供難能可貴反思和更新的機會 — 尤其當我們面臨各種宏觀和微觀挑戰的時刻。這個線上學習的平台不僅創造了你我連結的機緣,也是我們可以一起成長共創的園地!加拿大Haven學院兩位精彩的核心導師麥凱西Cathy McNally和李文淑Wen-Shwu Lee期待年底與你線上見面,共創又一次的豐富之旅。


  • 「你」就是改善關係的關鍵
  • 衝突、價值觀和進行重要的對話
  • 面對逝去的愛 — 我以為我知道了關係的一切……!
    凱西老師有三段主要的關係,她經歷過離婚、伴侶逝去,之後又在60多歲時開始約會戀愛。歡迎加入凱西老師的分享,聽聽她現身說法她的故事 – 她在關係中的學習和成長。聽到她的故事之後,也許你我也有機會來學習洞察力,重新審視我們的關係與生活。
  • 整合並深化我們的學習探索

Conflict and Co-creation in Relationships
“For one human being to love another; ‬that is perhaps ‬the most difficult of all our tasks, ‬the ultimate, ‬the last test and proof, ‬the work for which all other work is but ‬preparation.”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Like the above quote by Rainer Maria Rilke, relationships are the hardest work we do and the greatest gift when they are working. In our busy world we have devoted less and less time to them. In the pandemic we had sudden big changes. Now more than ever is a good time to revisit relationships. This program is for couples, families, friends, and co-workers – it applies to all important relationships in our life or work. Together we will examine how we participate in and contribute to these important relational dynamics; how we understand ourselves and others through conflicts and differences; how we use effective tools to carry out important yet difficult conversations; most of all how we explore deeper our loving in discomfort and after losses. This is our 2021 year-end highlight of the Haven Global Bilingual Programs – it provides great opportunities to review and renew – especially in our macro and micro challenges. Not only is this the place we connect but also where we grow! Our two wonderful Haven core faculty members Cathy McNally and Wen-Shwu Lee will facilitate this journey of richness with you, and we look forward to meeting you online!


  • YOU are Key to Better Relationships
    If you aren’t working on the relationships that are important to you, they will decline. Without attention people drift apart, at home, at work, with family or friends. The chance for assumptions, misunderstandings and conflict grow. How often are you on ‘automatic pilot,’ rushing through your life? The path to better relationships begins with you. Learn about human perception, stress, and mindful focus. Practice techniques to increase your awareness and improve any relationship
  • Conflict, Values, and Important Conversations
    We all have people and situations that are very challenging. Times when we get triggered. What are yours? How do you react? Some get angry or loud, others shut down or are silent. Each way causes problems. Both ways avoid important conversations. Come and explore what is underlying, how conflict can be a gift, and the important conversations that can benefit your life.
  • Loving after Loss – I thought I knew everything about relationship …!
    Cathy has been in three primary relationships, experiencing divorce, death, and then dating in her 60s. Join Cathy as she shares her story of learning and growing in relationship. Gain insights to take back into your own relationship and your life.
  • Integration and Deepening
    This course is also a co-creation field. We believe that the emerging issues and key areas of interest may provide each other the best lessons and references. There will be time for group discussions, Q&A, as well as review of useful tools for aliveness and co-creativity in your life and relationships.

主導老師 Leaders

麥凱西Cathy McNally

凱西對人以及生命的可能性充滿了熱情。她在中西融合的文化中成長,她擁有商業和團隊管理的背景。凱西對差異可能帶來的禮物充滿了好奇,她致力於建立連結和創造彼此了解的機會。對於教練引領各種關係的互動凱西有著濃厚的熱情。 在經歷了重大的生命變故之後,她仍然通過運動、聲音、創造、自然、愛慾,以及社團,持續不斷在探索生命活力、分離失落,以及追求意義的旅程上前行。 她的座右銘:善良、關懷以及樂趣,使她成為廣受歡迎的團體帶領人。 自1989年與 The Haven加拿大海文學院建立關係以來,凱西認為「一起 – 好好生活」是必要、緊迫,並且是可能的。凱西目前是加拿大著名的潛能開發學院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心導師。

Cathy McNally is passionate about people and possibility. Growing up in a mix of cultures, with a background in business and teams, Cathy is curious about the gift of differences, and is committed to connection and understanding. A particular joy is coaching relationships of all kinds. Following a major life change, she is exploring aliveness, loss and meaning through the adventure of movement, voice, creativity, nature, eros and community. Her trademark kindness, caring and fun make her a sought-after group leader. Associated with The Haven since 1989, Cathy believes that “living well, together” is necessary, urgent, and possible. Cathy is currently one of the Directors on The Haven Board and a member of The Haven Core Faculty.

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

Awakening from the Past Level II: From Resources to Resilience
Awakening from the Past Level III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others

線上雙語課程 Bilingual Online Program
| 階段二時間:9/11, 12, 18, 19, 2021; 學員:75人
| 階段三時間:10/16 ,17 ,30 ,11/1, 2021; 學員:79人
| 導師:Graemme Brown + 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

從過去覺醒的階段 II 和 III 課程中,我們連續收到了關於這兩個程序的讚賞反饋。反饋的亮點是人們如何欣賞在線學習的深度和身心體驗性,以及 Graemme老師如何富有創意和實用性地將不同學派的學習融入這一系列的線上課程中,其中包括了:Haven、Satir、SE、Polyvagal、IFS等,這真是很精彩的學習整合 !

This is to provide you the summary report of the Sep./Oct. Bilingual Awakening from the Past Level II & III Programs. Not a surprise we received wonderful feedbacks on these two programs in a roll. The highlights of the feedbacks are how people appreciate the depth and embodied learning online, and how Graemme creatively and practically integrated different schools of learning to this series of programs, such as Haven, Satir, SE, Polyvagal, IFS, etc. which is amazing!


從過去覺醒 II:整合資源讓我們在挑戰中培養韌性
Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience

從過去中覺醒 III:與自己和他人慈悲共振的連結
Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others

九月和十月份的中英双語課程邀請到海文的核心導師葛萊姆老師Graemme Brown,和李文淑老師Wen-Shwu Lee一起,帶領大家探索從過去覺醒的可能性,期待以身心整合的方式繼續在建構人際關係上提供新的可能性。課堂中我們會持續深入對我們現在生活的種種影響力,以及如何應對。我們的目標並不是改變過去,而是改變我們與過去的關係,讓我們更全然豐盛的活在當下。

九月份精彩的學習旅程:「從過去覺醒 II:整合資源讓我們在挑戰中培養韌性Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience」,我們會探索「全然存在」的方法:身體、思想、精神和情感。以慈悲心來理解我們早期的生活經歷,並將其轉化為有效的資源,以培養經營我們當前健康的人際關係。



十月份我們繼續學習的旅程:「從過去中覺醒 III:與自己和他人慈悲共振的連結 Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others」,我們將持續深入「全然存在」模式的練習,轉化我們過往的經驗為有效的資源,來搭建目前健康的人際關係。




雖然我們建議先完成「從過去覺醒 I:以身心整合的方式建構家庭關係新契機」課程,但這不是必需的,這三次不同階段的學習旅程可以相輔相成,同時也可以各自獨立。我們鼓勵參加課程之前有一些個人成長經驗(例如:海文、薩提爾、個人諮詢/治療等)是有幫助的。

從過去覺醒 II:整合資源讓我們在挑戰中培養韌性

  • 探索持續衝擊您今天的生活以及您是誰的主要影響力
  • 與您內在不同的自己,不同的「部分」進行慈悲的對話(尤其是羞愧的自己和自我批評的部分)
  • 脆弱、防禦、「期望矩陣」、渴望:期望之下的普遍人類需求
  • 一致性溝通的深入學習
  • 這是以海文教學模式為核心的課程,同時我們也將採用下列學者的理念方法作為補充教學,讓每次的課程更為豐盛完整:彼得·萊文(Peter Levine)、維吉尼亞·薩提爾(Virginia Satir)、理查·施瓦茨(Richard Schwarz)、尤金·詹德林(Eugene Gendlin)、史蒂芬·波吉斯(Stephen Porges),和馬丁·普雷希特爾

從過去中覺醒 III:與自己和他人慈悲共振的連結

  • 依戀理論的實際應用
  • 識別您的自主神經系統狀態,並學習如何整合以進行情緒的自我護理
  • 自我調節和共同調節(為什麼兩者都是必要的)
  • 在您的重要關係中創建「人際互動目標」的練習
  • 了解並練習表達不同人不同「愛的語言」
  • 這是以海文教學模式為核心的課程,同時我們也將採用下列學者的理念方法作為補充教學,讓每次的課程更為豐盛完整:彼得·萊文(Peter Levine)、約翰·包爾比(John Bowlby)、道格拉斯·維尼考特(Douglas Winnicott)、瑪莉·安斯沃斯(Mary Ainsworth)、勞倫斯·黑勒(Laurence Heller), 艾林拉·培爾(Aline LaPierre),尤金·詹德林(Eugene Gendlin)、黛安·寶海勒(Diane Poole-Heller)、蘇·詹森(Sue Johnson)、蓋瑞·崔普曼(Gary Chapman) 和史蒂芬·波吉斯(Stephen Porges)。

For the coming September and October Bilingual Online Program – our Haven Core Facilitators Graemme Brown and Wen-Shwu Lee will continue to apply a mind-body approach to provide a different perspective on our relationships. In this workshop, we will further the exploration of the influences on us in our present and daily life. Our aim is to not change the past but to change our relationship with the past and begin to live more fully in the present.

In September on our journey of “Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience” we will explore a ‘whole-being’ approach (Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions) to compassionately understand and transform our early life experiences into resources that we can use to nurture our present-day relationships.

Why is the ‘body’ such an important part of this process? Can’t we just use cognitive or mindfulness approaches? The body is the container for our life-force: That vital essence of our well-being. We need to be able to regulate our energy and emotions in both directions: Calming and Exciting. Imagine being able to be calm and grounded when necessary *and* also be excited and remain present when you want to experience that aspect of your life-force.

By identifying and working to gain a ‘felt-sense’ of our internal resources and connections with others, we can create a sense of safety in our own bodies and minds. This sense of safety is a platform that we will build on to take the necessary risks to grow and explore our lives. We all have this innate ‘Resilience’ within us: We need to re-connect with it and consciously use it to create an embodied experience of loving. This is the doorway to experiences of ‘spirit in the body’ or as some call it, ‘Presence.’

On the October Program “Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others” we will continue to deepen the ‘whole-being’ approach to compassionately understand and transform our past experiences into resources and to nurture and enrich our relationships.

In this 3rd part of the programme, we will explore the concept of “Attachment” – which is the name given to how we form connections with our primary caregivers when we are infants. They are a map or ‘blueprint’ of how we will form all our future relationships. The good news is that these attachment patterns can be understood and transformed to nurture deeply satisfying relationships, seeing our own and others’ needs very clearly.

We will also learn the approach of “Regulation” – which is the name given to how we take charge of our nervous system rather than being a slave to it (which we call “Dysregulation”). Our ability to regulate our nervous system (and therefore our emotions) is directly connected to our attachment patterns. Many relationship difficulties can be traced to a misunderstanding of each other’s attachment style that triggers strong emotions.

We will also be learning how to speak another’s ‘love language’ (and them learning yours) is a compassionate practice that can help create safety in relationship through nervous system co-regulation. These ‘Love Languages’ apply to all kinds of relationships: Romantic, Friendships, Families and work / study colleagues.

While it is recommended that you have completed “Awakening from the Past I: A Mind Body Approach to Re-Imagining the Family,” it is not necessary. These different learning modules are complementary to each other and can be taken separately. It is helpful to have had some experience with personal work (Haiwen, Satir, individual counseling / therapy, etc.) prior to attending.

Awakening from the Past II: From Resources to Resilience

  • Major influences in your life that still impact you today
  • Compassionate conversations with your inner ‘parts’ (especially shame and self-criticism)
  • Vulnerability, Defenses, The ‘Matrix of Expectations’, Yearnings: The universal human needs underneath our expectations
  • Congruent communications
  • Based on the work of: Peter Levine, Virginia Satir, Richard Schwarz, Eugene Gendlin, Stephen Porges and Martin Prechtel.

Awakening from the Past III: Compassionate Connections with Ourselves and Others

  • Practical use of Attachment Theory
  • Identifying your Autonomic Nervous System states and learning how to modulate them for emotional self-care
  • Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation (why both are necessary)
  • Exercises to create ‘Inter-Personal Goals’ in your important relationship
  • Learn about ‘Love Languages’
  • Based on the work of: Peter Levine, John Bowlby, Douglas Winnicott, Mary Ainsworth, Laurence Heller, Aline LaPierre, Eugene Gendlin, Diane Poole-Heller, Sue Johnson, Gary Chapman and Stephen Porges.

主導老師 Leaders
葛萊姆·布朗 Graemme Brown: Dip.C, SEP

葛萊姆,心理諮商文憑,身體經驗創傷治療師,自1985年以來一直與The Haven合作。他致力於「慈悲與溫和詢問」的鑽研,多年來專注於維吉尼亞·薩提爾模式、榮格的影子工作和彼得萊文的肢體經驗系統的研究。葛萊姆視他的Haven教職同仁為創意靈感的泉源,他們的風格和專業知識多種多樣。作為The Haven核心導師的成員,葛萊姆在中國和加拿大共同領導了Come Alive、Living Alive Phase I、Journey to Self、Family Reconstruction 和許多其他的成長課程。葛萊姆還是一位屢獲殊榮的錄音工程師,經營他的Zen Mastering工作室超過25年。他對音樂的熱愛和創作過程的奧秘在很大程度上體現了他在個人成長工作上所採取的模式。他目前在加拿大卑詩省的加布里奧拉島生活和工作。

Graemme Brown, Dip.C, SEP, has been associated with The Haven since 1985. He is dedicated to compassionate and gentle inquiry, focused on his experience with the philosophy of Virginia Satir, Jungian shadow work and Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing system. Graemme considers his Haven faculty colleagues as another source of creative inspiration with their great diversity of styles and expertise. As a member of The Haven’s core faculty, Graemme co-leads Come Alive, Living Alive Phase I, Journey to Self, Family Reconstruction and a number of other programs on Gabriola, in China and with First-Nation communities in Northern Canada. Graemme is also an award-winning recording engineer, running his Zen Mastering studio for over twenty-five years. His love of music and the mysteries of the creative process inform much of his approach to personal development training. He lives and works on Gabriola Island.

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

Youth Leadership I – Self Mastery ~ Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee & Jamison Schulz-Franco
| 時間:Aug. 14, 15, 21, 22, 2021
| 學員:94人

We have successfully completed the Bilingual Youth Leadership Program in August. Thank you, Jamison, for your wonderful co-leadership. We received good feedbacks on the range of our co-leadership which crossing our ages and cultures. My deep appreciation to the whole work team from Canada to China – this is a long process of co-creation and teamwork. Thank you ALL for hanging in. On this program – we have 84 paid registrants, and we gave 10 free entries as scholarships to encourage youths to join in Haven’s programs. The total participants number is 94. We have 14 small groups, including one English-speaking group led by Jamison. I am in joy when I heard that participants were expressing their appreciation to the topics and the effectiveness of the program. Again, I witness Haven’s offering can be practically aligned with different market need – this time is of the younger generations.

青年領導力 – 掌握自己開創未來



這次課程我們難得請到跨代跨文化的双人組:六十歲來自台灣的李文淑搭配二十歲來自加拿大的傑米森!在領導力以及企業人才培育有長年經驗的文淑老師大家並不陌生,在此特別介紹年輕充滿活力的傑米森 (Jamison Schulz-Franco)給大家認識:傑米森和文淑目前都是海文學院的董事,可以猜測得到傑米森是目前海文最年輕的董事。傑米森之前多次參與協助加拿大海文學院的青年領導力課程,在那些工作經驗中他了解到,他的恐懼很大的程度抑制了他對冒險的渴望。他指出,在探索自己的渴望時感到內疚,直到他學會真實表達他的恐懼,他才真正發掘出自己的特質。渴望是深入未知領域的探索 — 與蹣跚學步的我們在學會自由奔跑時的內在喜悅重新連結,夢想著我們成年後會做的驚人的事情。如果我們壓抑自己的渴望,就會對自己和所愛的人感到麻木。這個精彩的課程提供了一個安全的時空來探索我們的內在世界,同時學習創造健康持久並且令人滿意的關係。


  • 律動,呼吸及當下覺察的練習
  • 課程簡報及主題講述
  • 創意與經驗式學習
  • 小組分享與互動
  • 大組問答
  • 回家作業身體力行


  • 青年領導力的情緒智商 – 成為高情商的青年領導人
  • 青年領導力珍愛自我的能力培育 – 學習接納不完美,卻是完整且獨一無二的自己
  • 探索不同的上癮行為  – 了解上癮行為背後潛藏著我們對人性化連結的挫敗與渴望
  • 邁向發現自己的旅程  – 開啟自我認同之路,定義屬於自己的風格與領導魅力

We welcome youth aged 19-35. Join us as we explore and co-create in the adventure of life!

So often we define ourselves by our jobs, our friend groups, our occupations, and our accomplishments. As young people we are told that we are in a crucial period of growth and change, yet the expectation is that we do that while managing a thousand other tasks, all at once. When you pile on political and social upheaval, war and conflict, and a worldwide pandemic, life can become more of a stress than a pleasure. Whether we know it or not, we have a vision for our lives, mapping out how we want to prove ourselves to the world, to our families and to our partners. In school we are told about all the careers that we may follow to fulfill us, but we are not taught how to check-in with our emotional center, how to face our failures or frustrations, or how to be intimate with others. How are we supposed to know what we want in our lives, without truly knowing ourselves first?

This program responds to the above questions, and it’s designed for our youth friends aged 19 to 35. It offers a guide for you to be your own leader so that you can lead your own life. We offer tools to create a trusting relationship with yourself while having open conversations with others who are experiencing the emotions of early adulthood alongside you. The beauty of sharing yourself with others is that you learn to co-create relationships with people who support you to bring your most authentic self forward. This platform is offered so that we have a safe space to explore our emotions and our relationships, to create a foundation of ourselves that we can work with and continue to work from for the rest of our lives.

We have unique cross-generational co-leadership team in this program: 61-year-old Wen-Shwu Lee and 21-year-old Jamison Schulz-Franco. You may know Wen-Shwu who has spent many years devoting herself to leadership training and emotional development programs at the Haven. We are excited to introduce Jamison, who like Wen-Shwu, is also a Director on the Haven Board. From his previous experiences facilitating the Haven Youth Leadership programs, Jamison has learned how much his fears withhold his desire for adventure. He notes that he has felt guilt in exploring his desires, and it wasn’t until he voiced his fears that he has been able to discover and be in his element. Jamison realizes desire is exploring the unknown – a reconnection to the joyful voice within that we let run free as toddlers, dreaming of the amazing things we would do as adults. If we suppress our desires, we can feel numb to ourselves and our loved ones. This program offers a safe space to explore our internal states, while learning to create truly fulfilling relationships that are healthy and sustainable.

Each session will focus on different topics, and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect, where every person’s choice is honored. The format will include:

  • Embodied movement, breathing and mindfulness exercises
  • Lectures and presentations
  • Experiential exercises
  • Small group sharing and reflections
  • Big group Q&A
  • Take home practices

Topics and Highlights

  • Emotional Intelligence – Becoming a high ‘EQ’ youth leader
  • Valuing Yourself – Appreciating the one and only YOU who is not perfect but is whole
  • Underneath Addictions – Diving deeper into our frustrations and yearning for connection
  • Journey of Self Discovery – Initiating a path of self-definition – my unique qualities and leadership style

導師簡介About the Leaders

傑米森 Jamison Schulz-Franco
傑米森最近畢業於加拿大多倫多的瑞爾森大學。他在加拿大海文學院的經典課程『聚光燈下的孩子』和『青少年潛力甦醒』有超過十五年的參與以及實習經驗。從大學最後一年開始,傑米森希望分享他在情緒覺察上的體驗,他希望與朋友和同事之間開啟更開放並有益身心健康的對話。作為一個混血兒,傑米森堅定的倡導種族平等、公正和包容,他對人性化的連結充滿了熱情。 傑米森最近開始與加拿大維多利亞移民和難民中心工作,這是一個橫跨不列顛哥倫比亞省的反種族主義和反仇恨工作組織。

Jamison Schulz-Franco is a recent graduate of Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. He has over 15 years of experience as a participant and an intern in both Kids in the Spotlight and Teens Alive at the Haven. Through his final year of university and beyond, Jamison hopes to share his experience in emotional awareness programs to open a more open mental health dialogue for his friends and peers. As a mixed-race individual, Jamison is a strong advocate for racial equality, equity, and inclusion, and has a passion for human connection. Jamison recently started work with the Victoria Immigration and Refugee Centre Society in the Resilience Hub – an anti-racism and hate network across British Columbia.

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

Becoming – The Satir and Haven Connection ~ Bilingual Online Webinar

| 主講:Maria Gomori + Jock McKeen
| 日期:7/31, 2021
| 學員:566人

由 Maria、Jock、The Haven Team 和 The China Team 團隊共同創造的漣漪效應在這個活動結束後仍持續發生。我在社交媒體上收到許多照片和視頻分享。在下面我收集了一些供參考。附上了5分鐘的“感恩視頻”如下。Yang 和 Paula,你們在翻譯和技術支援方面的專業確保了這次活動的成功。特別想告訴 Linda 老師,非常感謝你的出席,你對我和中國團隊來說情意深重,許多在這裡的中國朋友們都非常開心看到你在線。對 Maria 和 Jock 也致上我深深的敬意和愛 – 你們對彼此的愛,對廣大學員們的愛,以及對這個世界的愛,已經通過你們的言語和能量而閃耀流動。我聽到參與者許多的很棒的反饋,以下是一個參考的例子。

The ripple effect of the magic, co-created by Maria, Jock, The Haven Team and The China Team, is happening after the session ends. I have been receiving photos and video clips on social media. I collected some in the attached file for reference. I also attached the 5 minutes “video of gratitude” as follows. Yang and Paula, both your heart and expertise on translation and technology ensured the success of the event. My special thanks to Linda – I appreciate so much of your presence today. You mean dearly to me and The China Team. People were thrilled to see you online. My deep respect and love to Maria and Jock – Your loving towards each other, to people you are teaching, and to the world has shone through your words and spirit. I hear wonderful feedbacks from participants. Hereafter is a couple examples for reference.

這是我經歷最震撼和感動的一次線上課:500多位來自全世界各地的海文人,一同聆聽兩位殿堂級的心理學導師Maria和Jock分享他們的人生智慧。課程結束了整整一個小時我們都留在屏幕上不捨得下線,在眼淚和回憶中連結 … 101歲的maria最後說:「我雖然是老師,我也永遠是學生,我們永遠在成長。」含著熱淚,向知行合一的前輩恩師們致敬,感謝過去十多年來的引領,你們的生命影響了我的生命,我將會在薩提亞和海文收穫的瑰寶繼續傳承下去!
This is the most shocking and moving online class I have experienced: more than 500 Haven people from all over the world listened to the two great leaders on psychology Maria and Jock sharing their life wisdom. At the end of the course, we stayed on the screen for an entire hour, reluctant to go offline, connecting in tears and memories … 101-year-old Maria finally said, “Although I am a teacher, I will always be a student, and we will always grow.” In tears, I pay tribute to these two predecessors of the congruence of knowledge and action. Thank you for your guidance over the past ten years. Your life has affected mine, and I will continue to pass on the treasures I harvested in the Satir and the Haven!

Posted by Angel Chen on WeChat, 6:46 pm July 31st, 2021



2021年7月31日,新冠病毒疫情依旧蔓延反复,在人与人之间不得不保持社交距离的背景下,Haven学院的创始人之一,麦基卓(Jock)和他的好友萨提亚家庭转化治疗流派大师玛丽亚葛茉莉(Maria)进行了一次线上对话,题为Becoming《成为》。这次对话中,两个老朋友不仅重温了结识亦师亦友的亲密搭档, 黄焕祥(Ben)和维吉尼亚.萨提亚的经历,还介绍了两个流派是基于怎样的背景兼容并蓄,不断发展个人成长的教育理念和疗愈助人工作的模型。


玛丽亚说:“和Ben,Jock和萨提亚一起,我学到了我是谁。” 她回忆起受邀在盖岛上的Haven学院授课时,萨提亚不断地发展出帮助人们更多重新看待自己和过去的教学工具。Jock说萨提亚正是以不断地好奇和创造,在世界各地授课,入世地展开萨提亚学习网络。而在Haven有一套关于成长的理念,他和Ben建立了一个场域,欢迎人们在这个社群团体中体验诚心相对和真心连结,然后回到生活中去运用。





博物馆是萨提亚形容安放个人的过往历史的内在空间的比喻。在Haven称之为码头。Jock讲到Ben曾经因为华裔的身份,没有归属感而想要去桥边自杀。在将要跳下去的一刻,他问自己连死都不怕的话,受“歧视”的担心有什么可怕?向死而生的勇气让Ben从自己的博物馆中走了出来。玛丽亚问Jock :“你的博物馆里是什么?Jock停顿了一下说:“是我的脆弱。我的愚蠢。我总是担心犯错,担心别人看到我的错误和不确定。所以我竖起了墙,藏起了我的软弱。这样别人可以看不到我。但在墙内我感到孤独。”玛丽亚说她把二战时期的经历存放进了博物馆。她鼓起勇气决心挥别过去,和Ben以及Jock等一群朋友去德国旅行。当她看到那里的人和目前的境况时,她放下了她的伤痛。她说:”所以我觉得我的使命一直是让人们停止把自己作为受害者。

受害者会在博物馆里待着。“ Jock补充说:“有一种观点大家可能不曾听到。心理治疗有一种流行趋势,那就是创伤治疗。由治疗师医治来访者的创伤。创伤触发时,我学会的是与之共存,感受它,然后放下。这股感受是一种能量。重要的是一次又一次地放下它。从改变成为转化。”玛丽亚说:“这就是所谓的第三度诞生!”萨提亚认为人的第一度诞生是精子和卵子的结合,第二度是人从子宫里出生,第三度诞生是个人自我负责的改变和成长。





这场对话的线上,她和Jock重要的朋友都上线出席了。玛丽亚的儿子安迪,她的密友和Haven学院的Linda Nicoles老师,林沈明莹老师,Jock现在的搭档Katherine,Ben的儿子Kevin,担任翻译的李文淑老师,还有在中国海文和萨提亚的授课的许多老师和学员。以这样的方式,在疫情下连结,面对改变的混乱。假如玛丽亚和Jock,Ben和萨提亚他们创造了自己与人连结,产生影响的方式。向我提的问题是我在连结中贡献了什么?我感激谁?

萨提亚还说过:“连结不是一场你赢我输的游戏,也并非可以永远快乐下去,而我们可以很坦诚地生活,有人情味地与他人分享。” 她这样来表达她自己是如何做的,而我还不能完全做到。



这些年 一个人 风也过 雨也走,
有过泪 有过错 还记得坚持什么,
真爱过 才会懂 会寂寞 会回首,
终有梦 终有你 在心中,
朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有,
一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒,
朋友 不曾孤单过 一声朋友 你会懂,
还有伤 还有痛 还要走 还有我!


成為合諧共創的生命 – 在薩提爾與海文的連結中讓生命精彩綻放
Becoming – The Satir and Haven Connection

2021年7月30 (北美時間) 或 2021年7月31 (亞洲時間)
Jul. 30, 2021 (North America) or July 31, 2021 (Asia)

這場引人入勝的對話 – 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利,薩提爾模式最重要的導師之一,和麥基卓,海文學院的聯合創始人,這兩位經驗豐富的教育工作者,在線上有一場對話分享他們所代表的這兩種成長模式。


Bennet Wong, Jock McKeen and Virginia Satir in 1987 at the Haven


Bennet Wong, Jock McKeen and Maria Gomori in 2010 at the Haven


『我們的連結是基於我們的相同,我們的學習是來自我們的不同。』— 維琴尼亞‧薩提爾

儘管薩提爾模式和海文模式之間存在著一些差異,但其基本原理是非常相似的,有時只是用不同的語言來做描述。這兩種方法都在邀請我們更深入地探究『我是誰』這個難題。對於兩者而言,通往未知世界的旅程有著許多切入點和不同維度。請加入我們一起來見證這兩位終生合作的良師益友 – 聽聽他們如何獨特地掌握了兩人畢生之鑽研以及實踐的經驗!

『煥祥和基卓所創建的海文是一所獨特的生命教育學校,在這個特別的地方,人們可以了解自己、學習生活以及人際關係。他們為海文所開發的經驗及住宿式的課程是非常獨特的學習經驗,課程在協助人們深入且有意義地了解自己。就像維琴尼亞‧薩提爾一樣,他們不僅是從理論上講授,他們更是從生活中的經驗來教導。』 — 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利

『海文是一個特殊的地方,一個家,一個環境,​​一個擁有自然和美麗的容器,人們可以在課堂內和環境中落實所學。” — 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利

This engaging dialogue is between Maria Gomori, one of the foremost teachers of Satir processes, and Jock McKeen, the co-founder of the Haven. These experienced educators will discuss the two approaches they represent in an online dialogue.

Virginia Satir (1916~1988) was renowned as one of the first and foremost influential family therapists in the world; but she was much more than that. She and the two founders of The Haven, Dr. Bennet Wong (1930~2013) and Dr. Jock McKeen, began their friendship in the 1970’s, introduced by their mutual friend Maria Gomori.

Dr. Satir once said: “Maybe I had so much success with people, not because of what I know but because of who I am.” The Satir approach emphasizes “self-validation,” in the context of family dynamics; Haven’s holistic view focuses on self-awareness and relational growth, blending Eastern and Western concepts. Although the two approaches have different emphases in some ways, they complement each other well.

Maria met Ben and Jock in 1974. She started out as their student, eager to learn their novel approaches. Since then the three became lifetime colleagues and best friends. Maria Gomori is one of the world’s foremost living proponents of the Satir Approach. In May 2021, she celebrated her 101st birthday online with Jock and her Haven friends.

The Haven and the Satir Approaches
“We connect based on our sameness and we learn from our differentness.” – Virginia Satir

Although there are some differences between the Satir and the Haven approaches, the underlying principles are very similar, sometimes described with different language. Both approaches invite us to investigate more deeply the puzzle of “who I am.” For both, there are many entry points and dimensions to this journey into the unknown. Please join us to witness these two long-time collaborators and friends as they share their unique mastery of their life-long study and practice.

“The Haven that Ben and Jock created is a unique school of life, a special place where people could learn about themselves and their life and relationships. The experiential residential programs they developed for Haven are remarkable learning opportunities that help people to understand themselves in deep and meaningful ways. Like Virginia Satir, they did not just teach from theory; they taught from what they lived.” – Maria Gomori

“Haven is a special place, a home, a context, a container with nature and beauty, where people can live the learnings both in the classroom and the environment.” – Maria Gomori

主講人 The Speakers
瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori

瑪莉亞‧葛茉利與維琴尼亞‧薩提爾一起學習和工作了20多年,自1981年以來一直是薩提爾全球網路Satir Network的主要導師。她在海文學院任教數十年,帶領《自我和家庭重建之旅》,最近她還線上指導《薩提爾進階課程》。海文出版了許多她的書,包括她的自傳《愛與自由》(繁體版)《自由的激情》(簡體版)。您可以在維基百科 ( 上閱讀更多關於瑪莉亞的生活和專業相關的信息。

『瑪莉亞的生命見證了存在主義所强調的原則:自由、真實、責任,和道德的行動者。 在平衡與勇氣中,她也接受了焦慮、孤獨和令人癱瘓的不確定性等不可避免的挑戰。 她頭腦中充满了關於人的想法、概念和新颖的觀点。』– 黃煥祥和麥基卓

Maria Gomori studied and worked with Virginia Satir for over 20 years and has been a main teacher in the Satir Network since 1981. She has taught at The Haven for decades, leading《Journey to Self》and more recently coaching 《Advanced Satir》online. The Haven has published a number of her books, including her autobiography,
《Passion for Freedom. 》You can read more about Maria’s life and career on Wikipedia (

“Maria’s life is a testimony to the principles addressed by existential philosophies: freedom, authenticity, responsibility, and moral agency. With balance and courage, she also accepts the inevitable challenges of angst, loneliness, and paralyzing uncertainties. Her mind is alive with ideas, concepts, and novel perspectives on human beings.” — Bennet Wong & Jock McKeen

麥基卓 Jock McKeen
MD, LicAc (UK), DLitt

海文學院的聯合創始人兼該學院的榮譽教授,基卓也是一位多才多藝的主持人和作家。他最初是一名急診醫生,後來在英國牛津的中國針灸學院學習針灸。與黃煥祥共同建立了互補的醫療方法之後,他們合作創立了海文學院。他們開發了海文的核心課程,撰寫了大量的書籍,並四處旅行到許多國家分享他們的理念與經驗。煥祥和基卓多年來經常在亞洲任教,將他們的海文經驗帶給說中文的朋友們。您可以在專門介紹基卓及其畢生工作的維基百科頁面上 ( 閱讀有關基卓更多的信息。

Jock McKeen, co-founder and Faculty Emeritus of The Haven, is an accomplished presenter and author. Starting out as an emergency physician, he studied acupuncture at the College of Chinese Acupuncture, Oxford, England. After establishing a complementary medical practice in association with Bennet Wong, they collaborated in the development of The Haven. They developed the Core Programs at Haven, wrote numerous books, and travelled extensively to share their approach in many countries. Ben and Jock frequently taught in Asia for many years, bringing their Haven teaching to Chinese speaking people. You can read more about Jock at the Wikipedia entry devoted to him and his life’s work (

翻譯 The Translators
李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

徐扬 Yang Xu

曾多年就职于加拿大维多利亚救济中心,从事流浪者及吸毒者的紧急心理救助及社会资源整合;曾就职于加拿大维多利亚家庭服务中心(Family Service of Greater Victoria),从事少年儿童及家长的心理治疗咨询,及组织带领团队的心理辅导治疗。加拿大彩虹堂(Rainbow Hall Society)非盈利组织咨询顾问,及同伴帮助项目培训导师。现作为独立心理咨询师进行线上及线下心理咨询,在同馨济慈健康咨询中心,华东师范大学,中智关爱通EAP等机构进行个人及家庭的心理咨询服务及团辅。玛瑞亚家庭治疗与家庭重塑学术委员会兼职助理。上海Halo后现代心理培训ICCP项目特聘翻译。

Yang Xu
I am a Canada BC Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with enthusiasm for working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds. I received my B.A. in Psychology, and my M.A. in Counseling Psychology, both from University of Victoria. I believe in a collaborative and integrative way of working with my client, in hope of offering a safe and warm place to share feelings and explore solutions. Every individual has the possibility to change and grow, and my work is to find their own strengths and resources. I have been working in mental health for 10 years, from community to private practice. I’m currently working as EAP counsellor, family therapist, group facilitator and workshop translator in Shanghai, China and BC, Canada. Some other issues I’m exploring are addictions, LGBTQ+, international living, parenting, emerging adulthood and more. My professional training also includes Satir Family Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dynamic-Maturational Attachment Approach and Collaborative-Dialogue.

Eros and Intimacy: Connecting with Your Creative Life Force ~ Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:Elfi Dillon-Shaw + 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:6/19, 20, 26, 27, 2021
| 學員:121人

我們的參與者人數再創新高 — 121人(36人來自加拿大Haven網站,85人來自中國團隊網站)。參與者來自四大洲12個國家:

歐洲 – 巴黎/法國、羅馬/意大利、瑞士
北美 – 洛杉磯/舊金山/達拉斯/美國,加布里奧拉島/加拿大
大洋洲 – 新西蘭、悉尼/澳大利亞
亞洲 – 中國、台灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、日本

我們這次課程有8個男性,這次所有的註冊者都是中國背景。對於這樣一個敏感話題,尤其是在中國和東方文化的背景下,我們從參與學員那裡收到了非常好的回響。我對 Elfi 老師深表感謝 – 感謝您如此深入和豐富地引導了這次學習旅程。 還要感謝整個團隊,包括加拿大的海文工作夥伴和中國團隊,以及我們來自中國和台灣16名實習生,他們在線上和線下為16個小組提供關懷與支持。 這是一個團隊合作和共同創造的過程。 謝謝你們!

We had a new high on the number of participants – 121 (36 from Haven Canada website and 85 from The China Team’s website). The participants came from four continents covering 12 countries:

Europe – Paris/France, Rome/Italy, Switzerland
North America – LA/Sanfrancisco/Dallas/USA, Gabriola/Canada
Oceania – New Zealand, Sydney/Australia
Asia – China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan

We had 8 males on the program, and this time all registrants are Chinese background. We received extremely well feedbacks from participants for a sensitive topic as such, especially in a context of China and Chinese culture. My deep appreciation to Elfi – for your heart and skills in guiding the program in such depth and richness. I also want to give my appreciation to the whole team, including the Haven in Canada and the China Team, and our 16 interns from China and Taiwan who facilitated the 16 small groups online and offline. This is a teamwork and a process of co-creation. Thank you ALL!






  • 身心合一的靜心冥想
  • 愛神和親密主題簡報
  • 創意與經驗式的學習
  • 小組分享與自我省思
  • 回家作業的落地實習


  • 活在愛洛斯能量大海中的七個元素:感官知覺、性感能量、角色物化、親密連結、性別認同、全人健康,靈性價值。
  • 在感官知覺中的生命甦醒
  • 性感能量與角色物化:性感與權力的關係,浪漫過後的愛神探索
  • 親密連結:關係中的愛神之舞,渴望安定與渴望新奇的對立與包容,從權力邁向連結
  • 全人健康:身體的、靈性的、以及關係的,性別角色,靈性價值

Daily life as “For Play”
Erotic energy, or life energy, is the creative force that moves us into connection with life and with nature. It circulates within our own bodies and draws us to another. Each one of us began life through the dance of Eros between two people.

In human relationships sexual erotic energy can often be a source of misunderstanding and struggle, shame and guilt. With open hearts and deeper understanding about how erotic energy moves through our life and relationship cycles we can learn how to open to the pleasure of being fully alive in our senses, alone, and with each other. We learn to embrace the vulnerability and revelation that accompany erotic knowledge and sharing.

In this course you will be invited to learn how to nurture and engage your own erotic energy and, if you are partnered, how to share this with your loved one. We offer insight into the connection between erotic and spiritual experiencing through body centered learning, through dialogue with one another and self-reflection.

Erotic energy will ebb and flow even in the most loving couple. This could bring about suffering and misunderstanding in their relationship. We will explore how to communicate our erotic being with less shame, with honesty, and a loving heart.

Each session will focus on different topics related to Eros and Intimacy and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect and every person’s choice is respected. The format will include:

  • Embodiment meditations
  • Presentations about Eros and Intimacy in Relationships
  • Experiential exercises
  • Small group sharing and reflections
  • Take home practices

Topics and Highlights

  • Overview on Perspectives of Erotic Living – The Seven Circles of Sexuality: Sensuality, Sexualization, Objectification, Intimacy, Sexual Identity, Whole Person Sexual Health and
  • Spirituality/Values
  • Sensuality: coming alive in the body through senses
  • Sexualization/Objectification: sex and power, sexuality post romance
  • Intimacy: eros in relationships, the desire for comfort vs the desire for novelty, the willingness to move from power to connection
  • Whole Person Sexual Health: physical/spiritual/relational, gender identity and roles, the role of values and spirituality in erotic life

導師介紹 About the Leaders

艾爾菲 Elfi Dillon-Shaw

Elfi Dillon-Shaw , Dip-C, is a massage practitioner, bodyworker and educator with 20 years’ experience fostering experiences of pleasure and well-being. She teaches programs on sexuality, body practices and stress management, including Sexual Intelligence, Stirring the Cauldron, and Eros and Intimacy (with her husband Gary Dillon). She has worked at The Haven since 1983.

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

Awakening from the Past I ~ Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:Graemme Brown + Wen-Shwu Lee 李文淑
| 時間:4/10, 11, 17, 18, 2021
| 學員:112人

學員回饋 Participant Feedbacks

  • 文淑老師您好,我先生去年九月因肝硬化驟逝,去年及至今透過網路聽您和佩霞老師(幾年前曾回台灣去上過她的“愛的運轉“研習營)的許多YouTube專題演講,幫助我走過非常低潮的時期,給了我許多力量。真的很感謝您在線上開這個課程,讓無法回台參加您課程的人,能在線上上您和葛萊恩老師的課而受益。昨天聽您跟葛萊恩老師影音帶領的空椅練習,對我的幫助很大。讓我能夠透過這個練習表達對摯愛已逝的先生說出許多來不及對他說的話,幫助我抒發深藏在內心的愧疚,哀傷及感謝。
  • 親愛的文淑老師,剛聽完你們今天的影音回放,特別是在結束時您播放“You Are Not Alone“這首歌時,特別提到這首歌是要獻給來自世界各地的學員時,特別感到溫馨及感動。身在異鄉,此時全球疫情嚴重,無法回台灣探親及上成長課程。慶幸此時有機會能跟你們一起“隔空“學習。在瑞士獨自走在身心靈成長這一條路上有時覺得很孤單。但這一年多在YouTube 網路上聽您和佩霞老師演講,非常喜歡你們的樂觀,樂於助人,平易近人,親切及甜美的笑容,跟你們在網路上連結,學習成長,受益良多。很高興有你們影音的陪伴,知道“自己並不孤單“。由衷心地,感謝您及所有人付出,促成這一次課程的因緣。感恩!祝平安喜樂!
  • 謝謝老師的邀請我再次的參加海文的課程,這兩次的感覺非常不同,上次很大的部分我都在掙扎怎麼參與分享,我沒有跟大陸學員分享的經驗有非常陌生的感覺,還有自己的個性問題,上次我的確也受到同組學員熱情地要請我打開視頻(有壓力)。為了想再度的參加課程,我的確也仔細的考慮到我自己的限制及舒服的程度。我想看看這次會如何開展。這次非常不同,上課速度這次慢下來,很快心就靜了。課間自己有不少的洞見,蠻驚喜的。這兩天是一個收穫豐富的課程,是個起頭並且需要不斷操練的歷程。
  • 老師這次的課收穫滿滿,有想要跟你請教及分享驚奇的。上課前還有一點時間,我想再練習投射 ,等課程結束後再多聊。 謝謝你的安排讓我遇到這位對我頗多啓迪的老師。謝謝妳!昨天我收到加拿大海文寄來上次兩天上課的錄影,非常興奮。昨天也再看過一次,很有收穫。謝謝加拿大海文,也謝謝你們中國團隊的努力,謝謝妳的策劃與領導。










四月份2021的中英双語課程邀請到海文的核心導師葛萊姆老師Graemme Brown和李文淑老師一起,以身心整合的方式在建構家庭關係上提供一個新的可能性。課堂中開啟探索早期家庭經驗對我們現在生活的影響,以及如何應對。我們的目標並不是改變過去,而且過去也不可能改變,而是我們能改變我們與過去的關係,這是非常可行的,讓我們開始更全然豐盛的活在當下。


1. 家庭規則的影響

  • 家庭規則的兩種形式
  • 轉化規則為原則
  • 與我們內在制定規則的人建立友好的關係

2. 薩提爾的冰山模式

  • 我們內在世界與外在行為的地圖
  • 與自我和他人深度溝通的工具

3. 情緒整理

  • 安在
  • 從反應到回應

4. 專注

  • 感知的重要性
  • 日常的工具
  • 恢復能力的開發

5. 有意識的期待

  • 覺察我想要的是什麼
  • 為我想要的負起責任:打開自由之門

Most of us have been in situations where we have reacted strongly, ‘blindly’, to something that a loved-one has done or said. Often, we later regret our behavior, or we reinforce our opinion that it was the other person that did the wrong thing (and if only *they* just did the right thing, all would be harmonious!)

Or perhaps I keep seeing the best in someone who is clearly indifferent, demeaning or even openly hostile to me? And I don’t understand why they can’t just treat me kindly.

Those strong reactions seem to come from nowhere and they happen so fast and with such intensity that I seem unable to control them. It’s like being hi-jacked by my emotions: My rational, sensible mind seems to be unavailable at those times.

It is almost as if we are in a trance or a dream when this is happening.

Well, we are…

This ‘trance-state’ is related to our deeply held desire for love, support, nurturing, kindness, compassion, and connection. While they are certainly expressed differently across cultures, these are universal human ‘needs’ that transcend culture. We humans experience these needs in our bodies as well: the need for a ‘felt sense’ of connection and attachment to others is vitally important for people of any age.

To the extent that we did or did not experience these needs being met in childhood, we will seek them out as adults. On the surface, there is nothing unusual about this: We are deeply shaped by our earliest life experiences. The real issue is when we *unconsciously* seek others to meet these expectations. Unmet childhood expectations, unconsciously expressed in our adult life are often the source of much difficulty in marriages, families and even work relationships. Blame, resentment, deep disappointment, and despair are just some of the symptoms of us unconsciously expecting different outcomes with the people who are unwitting participants in our ‘trance.’

To make it even more ‘interesting’, we will act towards our partners, colleagues, and children as if they are our parents or other important figures from our childhood. As you can imagine, this is difficult and often bewildering for those who we are close to.

Along with these ‘trance-states’ come physiological sensations and symptoms. Our reactions are happening both in our minds and bodies. Thinking, reasoning, and rationalizing alone will not completely help us wake up from the impact of our past. Indeed, our bodies hold useful information about what is happening in these unconscious trances.

For the April Bilingual Online Program – our Haven Core Facilitators Graemme Brown and Wen-Shwu Lee apply a mind-body approach to provide a new perspective on our family relationships. In this workshop, we begin the exploration of how our early family experiences impact us in our present, daily life and what we can do about this. Our aim is to not change the past (impossible) but to change our relationship with the past (very possible!) and begin to live more fully in the present.

We use the work of wise elders (including Virginia Satir, Peter Levine, Bennet Wong and Jock McKeen, Eugene Gendlin and Jon Kabat-Zinn) to create tools that you can use in your daily life, beyond the workshop itself.

1. The Impact of Family Rules

  • The two types of family rules
  • Transforming rules into guidelines
  • Befriending our inner rule-maker

2. Virginia Satir’s Iceberg Model

  • A map of our internal world and external behavior
  • A tool for deeper communication with self & others

3. Emotional Regulation

  • Grounding
  • Moving from reaction to response

4. Focusing

  • The importance of the ‘felt sense’
  • Tools for daily life
  • Developing resilience

5. Conscious Expectations

  • Becoming aware of what I want
  • Taking responsibility for my expectations: the doorway to freedom

主導老師 Leaders

葛萊姆·布朗 Graemme Brown
心理諮商文憑,身體經驗創傷治療師,自1985年以來一直與The Haven合作。他致力於「慈悲與溫和詢問」的鑽研,多年來專注於維吉尼亞·薩提爾模式、榮格的影子工作和彼得萊文的肢體經驗系統的研究。葛萊姆視他的Haven教職同仁為創意靈感的泉源,他們的風格和專業知識多種多樣。作為The Haven核心導師的成員,葛萊姆在中國和加拿大共同領導了Come Alive、Living Alive Phase I、Journey to Self、Family Reconstruction 和許多其他的成長課程。葛萊姆還是一位屢獲殊榮的錄音工程師,經營他的Zen Mastering工作室超過25年。他對音樂的熱愛和創作過程的奧秘在很大程度上體現了他在個人成長工作上所採取的模式。他目前在加拿大卑詩省的加布里奧拉島生活和工作。

Graemme Brown, Dip.C, SEP, has been associated with The Haven since 1985. He is dedicated to compassionate and gentle inquiry, focused on his experience with the philosophy of Virginia Satir, Jungian shadow work and Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing system. Graemme considers his Haven faculty colleagues as another source of creative inspiration with their great diversity of styles and expertise. As a member of The Haven’s core faculty, Graemme co-leads Come Alive, Living Alive Phase I, Journey to Self, Family Reconstruction, and a number of other programs on Gabriola, in China and with First-Nation communities in Northern Canada. Graemme is also an award-winning recording engineer, running his Zen Mastering studio for over twenty-five years. His love of music and the mysteries of the creative process inform much of his approach to personal development training. He lives and works on Gabriola Island.

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

Transforming Addictions ~ Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee + Cathy Wilder
| 時間:2/20, 21, 27, 28, 2021
| 學員:65人


Wen-Shwu Lee and Cathy Wilder, with their rich life experiences from the East and the West, and their professional studies on the subject, present to you this wonderful learning opportunity on Transform Addictions!


Many people say The Haven was “the missing link” in their recovery from a variety of addictive behaviors, which include cellphone, internet, coffee, sugar, food, work, sex, romance, or the familiar problems of cigarettes, alcohols, or drugs. This program is not a replacement for clinical treatment for alcohol, drug, food, and other addictions, but rather a complement or follow-up to protocols like the 12-steps or counseling. By integrating the Haven models based on eastern and western principles and philosophy, you’ll benefit from a holistic approach to your recovery. Learn practical tools to deepen your existing growth, tap into your inner resources, and find grounding and self-acceptance. This program is not for people actively using drugs or alcohol.




  • 孤立或連結,挫折與傷痛,呈現脆弱的勇氣
  • 羞愧與自我疼惜
  • 腦神經科學與上癮行為
  • 健康關係的重建

Program Highlights
This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and Haiwen (China). We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally.

In this program, you will discover healthy beliefs and learn practical tools to build your resilience on your journey of transforming addictive behaviors.


  • Addiction, Connection, Frustration, Trauma, Vulnerability
  • Shame and Self Compassion
  • Neurobiological Perspectives on Addiction
  • Rebuilding healthy relationships

講師簡介 About the Leaders

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach. She is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning: coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

韋凱西 Cathy Wilder
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師


Cathy Wilder, Haven Core Faculty, MEd, RCC, Dip-C, is a creative and compassionate group leader, counsellor and coach, who leads Come Alive, and Deep Listening: Core Skills for Coaching, and other workshops in both Canada and China. She is a skilled clinical counsellor with a specialty in addictions, alongside a deep understanding of mental health concerns, working with Fraser Health MHSU for twenty years.

Haven Fundraising Program ~ Bilingual Online Webinar

A Conversation: Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World
主講:Jock Mc’Keen + 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

Opening into Presence and Wisdom
主講:Cathy McNally + 馮錚 Sean Feng

| 時間:1/30, 2021
| 學員:345人

This is our first Bilingual Program in 2021 – the Haven Fundraising Program, that we are offering via Zoom at the end of January. This program is not only an exciting growth program but also a meaningful fund-raising event. The program fee will be donated to support Haven’s continuous growth! We are grateful The China Team has generously offered to cosponsor this event so that we can continue to offer transformational programs both at Haven and internationally.




2020年,新冠病毒肆虐,對整個人類來說是一場災難,也是一個省思沉澱的契機。2021年,我們該如何存在?去往何方?如何在無常與混沌中跟隨內在的指引,砥礪前行?加拿大The Haven學院創始人麥基卓博士,結合40多年來與黃煥祥老先生(The Haven學院聯合創始人)來回穿梭於東學與西學,從心理學、精神醫學到哲學與中西醫學等東西方的智慧,演繹出不朽的洞見,於2021年1月30日與加拿大The Haven學院核心導師李文淑連袂曠世靈魂對話——《現今世界的古老智慧》

This event is being sponsored by The Haven and The China Team.

主講人簡介 About the Leaders

麥基卓 Jock Mckeen
加拿大The Haven學院聯合創始人

醫學博士、文學博士及具有英聯邦專業執照的針灸師,曾在英國牛津中醫針灸學院接受訓練。是具有英聯邦專業執照的針灸師,與黃煥祥博士共同創辦加拿大The Haven學院,主張一種整合身、心、靈的深度自我發展方式,強調對健康、關係和生活方式的自我責任。黃煥祥和麥基卓不僅是著述者,更是行動者和參與者。他們對周遭的人、事物皆給予充分的關注和關懷,亦對於我們的世界傾注著熱誠。他們像道家但卻入世,似儒家卻能超脫。他們是西方人卻活出東方的靈性,同時又透徹地實踐著科學和理性的精神。2012年,兩人榮獲溫哥華島大學授予的榮譽博士學位。

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

智慧接力,加拿大The Haven學院前總經理、資深核心導師凱西Cathy McNally結合生活與工作中實際運用的精華,於2021年1月30日當天連袂中國海文聯合創始人馮錚導師與您分享——《敞開心迎向當下與智慧》

凱西 Cathy McNally
加拿大The Haven學院資深核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前總經理


馮錚 Sean Feng
加拿大The Haven學院國際心理諮詢專業班督導

馮錚是中國最早在西方學習個人與職業發展團體輔導與帶領的學者型老師之一。他於上世紀90年代初獲得加拿大The Haven學院全額獎學金,遠赴加拿大The Haven學院學習團體動力學,成為該學院第一個獲得心理諮詢師文憑和團體帶領資格的中國人。之後,馮錚又畢業於加拿大社會綜合類大學第一名 – 加拿大西門佛雷澤大學社會學專業。

在世紀之交,馮老師回到中國,成為中國海文學院聯合創始人之一,自2008年至今,馮老師一直擔任加拿大The Haven學院國際心理諮詢專業班督導。 馮老師在心理學與哲學方面有很深造詣,同時,對人滿懷慈悲與同理之心。在他的課堂上,豐富的體驗活動與深入淺出的認知資訊相得益彰; 在回饋和個案中,馮老師擅長撥開雲霧見本質,同時又以感性為連接樞紐,令學習者經驗到更加整合的收穫。

| 導師:李文淑
| 時間:6/2 ~ 26, 2020
| 學員:126人

當全球疫情衝擊著我們的生活,工作與關係時,我們的中國團隊特別策劃了在這困頓的時期,能夠持續提供給面臨挑戰並渴望成長的朋友們有連結與互動的機會。繼2020年四月份「困頓中的沈澱與成長系列ㄧ」得到學員們積極的迴響後,我們又推出「困頓中的沈澱與成長系列二:親密關係的八堂課」- 這次是特別針對親密關係常遇到的八個難題來做個人化深刻的探索。謝謝在這困頓的時期裡,我們有126位熱情的學員在線上積極地參與了這次的成長與學習!