潜力苏醒 線上課程

| 導師:李文淑,馮錚
| 助教團隊:高華峰,李敏,魏星
| 課程時間:2023年2月17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 3月3, 4, 5, 11, 12日
| 參加學員:17人

2月17日开课 | 原版《潜力苏醒 COME ALIVE》中文在线课程





2023年,注定是不平凡的一年,带着无比兴奋的心情将迎来加拿大The Haven最受欢迎的核心课程Come Alive「潜力苏醒」线上课要举办啦!将由海文学院的核心导师李文淑,以及將海文引进中国的始人之一冯錚老師,兩人連袂以原汁原味的方式把海文最经典的課程「潛力苏醒」在线上做忠实完整的呈現,让成长不再受空间的局限,让更多的朋友走上这趟奇妙的心灵之旅,开启成长与蜕变的道路。


  • 我想加深我的自我觉察并突破自我的框架限制
  • 我准备好培养更多的自我疼惜和自我接纳
  • 我想体验成为完整且真实的自己 — 得到思想、身体和精神上的自由
  • 我愿意学习和实践成长与转化的沟通模式
  • 我想要有价值的见解来增强我的健康和福祉
  • 我想突破自我限制模式,过我想要的生活
  • 我好奇自己在人际关系、社群和世界中的位置
  • 我想重新发现生活中的快乐和意义
  • 我想要更和谐、充满爱和充实的关系;我想知道什么是真正的亲密
  • 我希望提高专业技能;成为更真实的领导者,增强我的软实力,并与我的同事建立更好的关系
  • 我想改变现状并尝试不同的东西…


  • 在安全与支持的环境中度过四周十堂课,35个小时,等同于5整天课程内容,一个月陪伴,资深老师更多机会深度支持。
  • 有机会向他人学习、建立连结并与他人建立深厚的情谊。
  • 学习结构由精神科医生黄焕祥(Ben Wong)以及是医生也是针灸师的麦基卓(Jock McKeen)共同研究开发出,采用了独特的东西方整合的方法。
  • 通过各种方法进行创意与体验式的学习:身体工作、呼吸、冥想、不同的活动,以及认知技能的发展等。
  • 是一种培养自我疼惜和更深层自我觉察的有效方法。
  • 40 年来持续成功,有来自世界各地的数以千计的参与者。
  • 精选的专业课程导师群,他们在The Haven海文学院以及各种专业上都受过高度培训。
  • 无与伦比的支持和高比例的参与者与领导团队。
  • 完善的日程安排,包括课间进行反思、与他人连结、以及课后练习,等等。
  • 有机会通过视讯会议和各种本地团体,来支持您持续的学习整合并落实于生活。


潜力苏醒Come Alive 的魅力在于它独特的历史,课程中有着名的海文核心模式介绍与体验。在专业导师群的支持和指导下,您有机会学习并实践海文学院的沟通模式、全我模式以及共鸣模式。课程中我们设计了各种团体活动、互动讨论以及经验式的学习机会,会在大组和小组不同团体动能中穿插进行。


  • 身心合一的静心冥想
  • 内在整合的主题简报
  • 创意与经验式的学习
  • 小组分享与自我省思
  • 回家作业的落地实习


太平洋时间 PT

  • 2月16, 17, 18日
    (星期四, 五, 六, 5:00-8:30 pm PT)
  • 2月24, 25日
    (星期五, 六, 5:00-8:30 pm PT)
  • 3月2, 3, 4日
    (星期四, 五, 六, 5:00-8:30 pm PT)
  • 3月10, 11日
    (星期五, 六, 5:00-8:30 pm PT )

中国标准时间 CST

  • 2月17, 18, 19日
    (星期五, 六, 日, 9:00 am-12:30 pm CST)
  • •2月25, 26日
    (星期六, 日, 9:00am-12:30 pm CST)
  • 3月3, 4, 5日
    (星期五, 六, 日, 9:00 am-12:30 pm CST)
  • 3月11, 12日
    (星期六, 日, 9:00am-12:30 pm CST)




——孙亚芳 华为技术有限公司董事长

——刘松琳 深圳市聚成管理顾问公司荣誉董事长

——李圣洁 前IBM大中华经济圈主管培育负责人 现任企业高层培育顾问


















Shadows & Masks Workshop ~ 2 Days Onsite Program

| 導師:李文淑 & 賴佩霞
| 時間:3/6~7, 2021, 參加學員:23人
| 時間:5/21~22, 2022, 參加學員:17人
| 時間:3/18~19, 2023, 參加學員:19人

3/18~19, 2023

影子面具工作坊 兩日課程 (實體課程)
地點|好好說話 工作坊|台北市明水路575號B1(綺麗廣場)








健全的心靈,絕對需要藉助陰影的重整,才能得道。瑪莉安(Marianne Williamson )說:「當我心裡充滿感恩,自我厭惡的陰影特徵就無法繼續存在。」順著這個邏輯,陰影的存在,也許就是為了要讓我們學習感恩。


Come Alive – Online

| 講師:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee, 陶曉清 Cora Tao, 姚黛瑋 Debbie Yao
| 時間:October 21 ~ November 13, 2022
9:00 am ~12:30 pm on the following dates:
WK1: 10/21-23, Fri~Sun
WK2: 10/29-30, Sat~Sun
WK3: 11/4-6, Fri~Sun
WK4: 11/12-13, Sat~Sun
| 人數:25

通過導師團隊:李文淑、陶曉清和姚黛瑋,以及「好好說話學會 CHCC」 的營銷與技術支援,在團隊的通力合作下,我們已於 2022 年 10 月和 11 月成功地將海文最經典的課程「Come Alive 潛力甦醒」首次帶到線上給不同地區的學員。 我們花了 4 個週末,10 節課,總共 35 小時在線。 有來自不同國家 25 名說華語的中國朋友們註冊報名,包括台灣、澳門、中國、瑞士、美國、馬來西亞和日本。 我們嘗試了一些創新的在線體驗練習,並收到了非常積極的反饋。 綜觀之 – 我們相信我們已經為「潛力甦醒」的線上版本創建了一個成功的模式。

We have successfully accomplished the very first Online Come-Alive Program in October and November 2022 through the teamwork of the leaders’ team: Wen-shwu, Cora and Debbie, and the marketing/IT team of CHCC. We spent 4 weekends, 10 sessions, in total 35 hours online. We have 25 Chinese-speaking registrants from different countries including Taiwan, Macau, China, Switzerland, USA, Malaysia, and Japan. We explored a few online experiential exercises and received very positive feedbacks. All in all – we are confident that we have co-created a successful version to bring Come-Alive online.

Come Alive in Mandarin

帶著無比興奮的心情在2022年我們將要把加拿大The Haven最受歡迎的核心課程Come Alive「潛力甦醒」帶到線上了!首先要感謝我們在台灣的主辦單位「中華好好說話,學會」,謝謝所有工作同仁的努力,共同促成了這次精彩的成長之旅,「潛力甦醒」是海文學院最受歡迎的經典課程,它幫助了數以千計的人開啟了他們在個人以及專業上的成長與蛻變之旅。


Come Alive 的魅力在於它獨特的歷史,課程中有著名的海文核心模式介紹與體驗。在專業導師群的支持和指導下,您有機會學習並實踐海文學院的溝通模式、全我模式以及共鳴模式。課程中我們設計了各種團體活動、互動討論以及經驗式的學習機會,會在大組和小組不同團體動能中穿插進行。

「潛力甦醒」適合我,如果 …

  • 我想加深我的自我覺察並突破自我的框架限制
  • 我準備好培養更多的自我疼惜和自我接納
  • 我想體驗成為完整且真實的自己 — 得到思想、身體和精神上的自由
  • 我願意學習和實踐成長與轉化的溝通模式
  • 我想要有價值的見解來增強我的健康和福祉
  • 我想突破自我限制模式,過我想要的生活
  • 我好奇自己在人際關係、社群和世界中的位置
  • 我想重新發現生活中的快樂和意義
  • 我想要更和諧、充滿愛和充實的關係;我想知道什麼是真正的親密
  • 我希望提高專業技能;成為更真實的領導者,增強我的軟實力,並與我的同事建立更好的關係
  • 我想改變現狀並嘗試不同的東西……



  • 在安全與支持的環境中度過四周十堂課,專注於自己。
  • 有機會向他人學習、建立連結並與他人建立深厚的情誼。
  • 學習結構由精神科醫生黃煥祥(Ben Wong)以及是醫生也是針灸師的麥基卓(Jock McKeen)共同研究開發出,採用了獨特的東西方整合的方法。
  • 通過各種方法進行創意與體驗式的學習:身體工作、呼吸、冥想、不同的活動,以及認知技能的發展,等。
  • 是一種培養自我疼惜和更深層自我覺察的有效方法。
  • 40 年來持續成功,有來自世界各地的數以千計的參與者。
  • 精選的專業課程導師群,他們在The Haven海文學院以及各種專業上都受過高度培訓。
  • 無與倫比的支持和高比例的參與者與領導團隊。
  • 完善的日程安排,包括課間進行反思、與他人連結、以及課後練習,等等。
  • 有機會通過視訊會議和各種本地團體,來支持您持續的學習整合並落實於生活。


  • 身心合一的靜心冥想
  • 內在整合的主題簡報
  • 創意與經驗式的學習
  • 小組分享與自我省思
  • 回家作業的落地實習


Email: chcc.academy@gmail.com

這個線上課程將在免費的Zoom視頻會議軟體上進行,學員可以方便地在各種裝置上使用這個軟體。您會需要一個數位裝置,(我們推薦桌上型電腦或膝上型電腦,平板裝置或是手機也可以使用,)另外必須有順暢的網路連結和聲音功能,(我們推薦使用耳機,內建或外接式麥克風,或是發聲系統也可行。)您可以點選下面的連結來測試您的裝置連線以及實用性 zoom.us/test. 請在課前15分鐘提早上線,我們將提供必須的技術支援服務。


以下是可以補充和增強您在該課程中的學習書籍。您可以參考線上訂購。Bennet Wong 和 Jock McKeen 的「新生命花園」:


Come Alive in Mandarin

With great excitement, in 2022, we will bring the most popular core program “Come Alive” in The Haven Canada ONLINE in MANDARIN! First, we would like to thank our organizer in Taiwan, “Collaborative Communications Academy”. Thank you for your efforts to jointly promote this wonderful journey of growth. “Come Alive” is the most popular classic program of The Haven. It has helped thousands of people embark on a journey of personal and professional growth and transformation.

People from all walks of life, backgrounds, experiences, lifestyles, and locations join us and most experience something profound. The magic of Come Alive is in our unique history, renowned communication and relationship models, and community dynamic. With support and guidance, you will learn and practice the Haven models of communication, relationship, and self-responsibility, through a range of opportunities for personal learning. Group activities, discussions and experiences take place in both large and small group settings.


  • I want to deepen my self-awareness and move beyond self-imposed limits.
  • I’m ready to develop greater self-compassion and self-acceptance.
  • I want to experience the freedom of being my whole and authentic self – mind, body, and spirit.
  • I’m open to learning and practicing a transformative model for communication.
  • I want valuable insights to strengthen my health and well-being.
  • I want to break through self-limiting patterns and live the life I want.
  • I’m curious about myself and my place in relationships, community, and the world.
  • I want to rediscover joy and meaning in life.
  • I want more harmonious, loving and fulfilling relationships; I want to know what intimacy really is.
  • I am looking to improve my professional skills; to be more authentic as a leader, bolster my ‘soft’ skills, and develop better relationships with my co-workers.
  • I want to shake things up and try something different

“For the first time, I felt comfortable in my own skin…”

Program Highlights:

  • 35 hours (10 sessions in 4 weeks’ timeframe) in a safe, respectful, and supported environment to focus on yourself.
  • Opportunity to learn from, relate to, and deeply connect with others.
  • A unique East meets West approach developed by a psychiatrist (Ben Wong) and a medical doctor and acupuncturist (Jock McKeen).
  • Experiential learning through diverse methods: breath work, visualization meditation, music, movement, and cognitive skill development.
  • A powerful approach to developing self-compassion and deeper self-awareness.
  • 40 years of continued success with thousands of participants from around the world.
  • Select expert program leaders, who are highly trained at The Haven and in their various professions.
  • Unparalleled support and a high ratio of participants to leadership team.
  • A full schedule, complete with breaks for introspection, connecting with others, take-home practices, and more.
  • Support to integrate your learning beyond The Haven through online video meetings, or various local groups.

Each session will focus on different topics, and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect and every person’s choice is respected. The format will include:

  • Embodiment Meditations
  • Artistic Expressions
  • Teaching and Presentations
  • Experiential Exercises
  • Small Group Sharing and Reflections
  • Take Home Practices

This bilingual program is offered in Mandarin. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions, discuss and interact with each other. We will also use breakout rooms for smaller groups discussions.

In this interactive, online series we will meet on 10 sessions in total 35 hours on Zoom. Depending on where you are in the world, the sessions will take place:
In Pacific Time

  • Oct. 20, 21, 22, Thu, Fri, Sat, 6:00-9:30 pm PT
  • Oct. 28, 29, Fri, Sat, 6:00-9:30 pm PT
  • Nov. 3, 4, 5, Thu, Fri, Sat, 6:00-9:30 pm PT
  • Nov. 11, 12, Fri, Sat, 5:00-8:30 pm PT

In China Standard Time

  •  Oct. 21, 22, 23, Fri, Sat, Sun, 10 am-12 pm CST
  • Oct. 29, 30, Sat, Sun, 10 am-12 pm CST
  • Nov. 4, 5, 6, Fri, Sat, Sun, 10 am-12 pm CST
  • Nov. 12, 13, Sat, Sun, 10 am-12 pm CST

Program Fee
The program fee includes 35 hours of live programming and technical support. Our deep gratitude to The Haven’s organizer in Taiwan “Collaborative Communications Academy”! For registration and payment, please click the link below – our local service team will assist you. Please provide your correct identification and contacts so we can reach you and confirm your enrollment.

Please contact with our organizer in Taiwan:
Collaborative Communications Academy
Email: chcc.academy@gmail.com

Technical Requirements
This online program will be hosted on Zoom, a video conferencing software that is free for participants and easy to use on a variety of devices. You will need to have a device (desktop computer or laptop recommended; tablet or smartphone can work too), reliable internet connection, and sound capabilities (headset recommended; built in or external microphone or speaker systems can work too). You can test your device connection and compatibility in advance here: zoom.us/test. You will be invited to join the call up to 15 minutes early to receive technical support.

This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and The China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.

Recommended Resources:
Here are book titles that can complement and enhance your learning in this program. You can purchase when you are at Haven, or order online. Click to learn more:
+ Being: A Manual for Life by Bennet Wong & Jock McKeen

Admission requirements:
The student must have the desire and ability to learn. Must demonstrate a capacity for responsible self-care, responsible self-organization, and sound mental health. The learning process requires the camera lens to be turned on throughout the process and full participation in a way that respects confidentiality and privacy. The course focuses on experiencial and interactive learning, so no video recording or playback is provided.

This program will be co-led by one of the Haven Core Faculty Wen-Shwu Lee, and an elite leaders’ team: Cora Tao and Debbie Yao. 這個課程由 The Haven 海文學院核心導師李文淑負責帶領,以及一組菁英導師團隊共創:陶曉清和姚黛瑋。

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監
文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning, such as coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

陶曉清 Cora Tao

陶曉清:資深廣播人,2016年擔任牽手之聲網路電台台長,服務癌友。 2000年得到台灣流行音樂金曲獎的特殊貢獻獎。2017年得到第52屆廣 播金鐘獎特殊貢獻獎。 1992年初次去加拿大溫哥華Haven學院參加成長團體,後來決定繼續進修,在2010年取得Haven學院的諮商證書。 多年來透過身體的舞動、聲音的共鳴、曼達拉繪畫與棉紙撕畫的創 作,以及對心理劇的鑽研,過著身心合一的生活,並持續帶領各種相 關的心靈成長課程。 著作有:「寫給追求成長的你」、「讓真愛照亮每一天」、譯作有: 「生命花園」、「活出熱情」等與成長相關的書。 2016年出版「那些在青春網的日子」,2017年出版「生命的河流」。

Cora joined The Broadcasting Corporation of China in 1965 when she was 19. She started hosting American top 40’s program. Ten years later she launched another program named Chinese Western Folk Songs, in that it encouraged original compositions by college students and the best ones were broadcasted island wide. This program received overwhelming response thus gave birth to the Campus Folk Song Movement which led to Chinese music commercial development in the 80s. And she was named the Mother of Folk Music in Taiwan. In 1995 along with other musicians she founded The Chun Wah Music Workers Association (Chinese Musicians Exchange Association?). She served as its first and second chairwomen not only to organize folk song events and concerts but also held Top 10 music critics choice album and singles annually. In 2000 she received a Golden Melody special contribution award in recognition of her many achievements. She retired from broadcasting career in July 2008 and dedicated herself to professional training of helping people and get her Diploma in Counseling from Haven Institute of Canada in 2010. After breast cancer treatment in 2013 she started with friends to develop an online radio to serve cancer patients. And she led reading groups and different workshops with Debbie Yao.

Debbie Yao 姚黛瑋


A well-known actress and singer in Taiwan. In 1984, she participated and won in the “Golden Rhyme Award” singing contest and became a performing artist. She has released many albums, have been noticed by everyone because of her singing career. It is a household name in the Chinese community. After that, she continued to expand her acting career and was quite successful in the fields of soap opera, musicals, stage plays, TV and radio hosting, and satire shows. Performed in more than 30 TV series and dramas and was nominated for the “Golden Bell Awards” for Best Supporting Actress twice. In 1993, she began to participate in personal and professional psychological growth courses in Taiwan and abroad, and she became very interested in it. Besides her performing arts work, she continued to participate in courses at other times. At the same time, she also took time to return to university during her busy performing arts work. In 2014, she graduated from the Department of Family Studies and Child Development of Shih Chien University; In addition to experience, she also obtained the Dip.C from Haven Institute in Canada in 2019, and the National Second-level Psychological Counselor of China. She also has certificates of hypnosis and NLP, Singing Bowl, Reiki, etc.; leads self-growth workshops in Taiwan and Mainland China. Successfully started another career; also, because she is fluent in English, Mandarin and Taiwanese, she also is a very popular impromptu interpreter. Had published a book with Al Chambers “He Said, She Said”; Translated: “The New Manual of Life”. She still actively in entertainment business and co-led book clubs and workshops with Cora Tao for almost 20 years. She is also an assistant at the Haven Institute Canada. She hosts a one-hour radio show “Debbie’s Garden of Life” every week for cancer survivor and patients.

Conscious and Compassionate Parenting, Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:Wendy Schulz & 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:Oct. 6, 7, 15, 16, 2022
| 人數:51

這次課程我們有 51 名學員註冊參與:其中 43 名來自中國團隊, 8 名來自加拿大海文團隊的註冊平台。加拿大海文註冊組的 Morag 通知我們 Haven 將在 2022 年底縮減人力,並在冬季時間要關閉校舍 – 因此這個課程也會是我們最後的一次的全球中英雙語課程。我非常喜歡與 Wendy 老師的合作和共創 — 這個課程收到了學員們積極正向的反饋。Wendy,感謝妳提出這個課程構想,所以我們有機會彼此認識,成為共同帶領人,也增進了我們之間的友誼。 很感謝妳的兒子 Jamison 現身在我們最後的一節課 — 許多學員都是通過「青年領導力」課程認識了 Jamison。 當 Jamison 和 Wendy 共同呈現在一個屏幕上時,真是美好的畫面。由於加拿大海文正處於轉變調整的過程中 – 我衷心地感謝這兩年來每一位支持「全球中英雙語線上課程」的朋友們,還有所有在幕前幕後的工作人員。希望我們都照顧好自己,持續活出我們從海文學院 The Haven 學習到的禮物。

This is to provide a summary report on the subject program – We have in total 51 registrants: 43 from The China Team and 8 from the Haven. With Morag’s notification on the Haven’s closure during the winter season – This Parenting Program is our last Bilingual Program. I enjoy very much the teamwork and co-creation with Wendy – this program has been receiving positive feedbacks from our participants. Wendy, thank you for bringing in the program idea, and I get the opportunity to know you as a co-leader and as a friend. I also appreciate Jamison showed up during our last session – many of our participants know Jamison through our Bilingual Youth Leadership Program. It’s a beautiful moment to have Jamison and Wendy together on the same screen. As Haven is changing and transforming – I thank you and all the staff members working on the front and behind the screen. Wish we all take care and carrying on the gift we have been learning from the Haven.



也許您會發現自己幾乎是技窮,無法有效地應對眼前教養子女的各種挑戰,無論是:技術方法,面對各種身心症狀:抑鬱、焦慮,紀律問題,如何設定界限,等等。正如我的母親常這麼說:「很不幸的,教養孩子這件事是沒有使用說明書的!」 真希望有個「使用說明」,如果真的有,我們可能會更成功、更足智多謀,在父母與孩子的連結上會更緊密。我們如何學會為人父母的呢?帶著榮耀父母的心,課程中我們將一起來發現從自己的父母那,我們學到了那些教養方式。也通過觀察社會文化對教養子女的規範,我們可以發現自己的價值觀,我們重視或不重視什麼。因此我們可以為教育兒女開啟了一條新的道路,以全新的方式來認識我們的孩子。在一個安全、不羞愧,尊重個人界限與隱私的環境中,讓我們開始深入探討這個主題,讓我們從身為父母的優勢力量中出發,體會到充足的資源,並以雙方都想要的方式與孩子建立共同成長的親子關係。


  • 認知為人父母的挑戰和優勢,是什麼阻礙了您成為自己希望成為的父母?您如何善用自己的優勢面臨挑戰?
  • 通過諸多途徑來檢視我們從哪裡獲得養育子女的方法 — 以慈悲的心情,我們將探索哪些是有效的,而哪些是無效的。
  • 借助課程中提供的工具,我們開始製定一個新計劃,加強與孩子間的交流,從我們的優勢出發,因此我們可以一種健康的方式向前邁進:了解我們的孩子是誰,不是我們希望他們成為什麼樣的人,開始接受他們真正是誰,他們與我們不同的地方,並開始支持他們成為真實完整的自己 — 即使我們不見得喜歡。
  • 這個課程會有機會彼此聆聽分享,導師和學員們有機會交流自己的故事和現實生活中的經驗。這是一個共同創造的學習環境,我們希望為豐富的成長之旅打造一個安心分享相互學習的容器。
  • 本課程歡迎對三歲至青少年親子教養有興趣的家長、父母、祖父母、專業人士,或對此主題有興趣的朋友們一起加入 — 課程中會有大組與小組不同的學習環節,我們會將學員依自己有興趣探索的同年齡段孩子來做小組分配。


  • 身心合一的靜心冥想
  • 內在整合的主題簡報
  • 創意與經驗式的學習
  • 小組分享與自我省思
  • 回家作業的落地實習

這是一個加拿大海文和中國團隊的跨國合作!感謝双方的合作我們才有機會將海文精彩的課程持續地從加拿大本土推廣到全球的平台上。 建議您先下載WeChat軟體,所以您可以更方便地收到我們的課程錄影以及課程提醒。

Everything is changing so rapidly these days, even parenting. Are you finding the style of parenting you have adopted is not really working for you or your child?

Perhaps you find you are ill equipped for parenting challenges that are in front of you like technology, depression, anxiety, discipline issues, setting boundaries. As my own mother used to say, ‘unfortunately children do not come with an instruction manual’. If only they did, we might feel more successful, resourceful, and connected as parents to our children. How did we learn to be a parent? In honor of our own parents, we will discover what we learned about parenting from them, by looking at cultural norms around parenting we can uncover what we value or not and begin to build a new path for parenting and to meet our children in a fresh way. In a safe, shame free and confidential environment we can begin to explore this topic in detail so that you come from a position of strength as a parent, feel resourced and are connected with your child in a way that you both want.

Program Highlights

  • Identify our parenting challenges and strengths, what is in the way of you being the parent you wish to be? How can you bring your strengths to the areas of challenge?
  • Through various pathways examine where we get our parenting skills from – with compassion we will explore which ones work and which ones don’t.
  • With the tools offered in the program we begin to build a new plan to a stronger relationship with our children and come from a position of strength as a parent, so we can move forward in a good way: knowing our child for who they are, not who we want them to be and moving into acceptance of who they are, where they are different from us and begin to support them for who they are – even if we don’t like it.
  • The program will create opportunities for stories and real-life experience sharing from both leaders and participants. With the co-creative learning environment, we wish to build a safe container for a rich journey of growth.
  • This course welcomes parents, grandparents, professionals, or people who are interested in parenting with children between ages 3 years to young adult to join. There will be different learning arrangement of large groups and small groups. We will group participants with interests in children of the same age range.

Each session will focus on different topics, and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect and every person’s choice is respected. The format will include:

  • Embodiment Meditations
  • Teaching and Presentations
  • Experiential Exercises
  • Small Group Sharing and Reflections
  • Take Home Tools and Practices

主導老師 Leaders
Wendy Lee Schulz B.
Ed, CCDP and Certificate in Counselling Haven

is passionate about all things related to communication. Understanding and being understood as a way to intimacy and close loving relationships. A parent to two sons ages 23 and 27, Wendy dedicated herself to becoming a parent she could be proud of by reading books, attending groups with other parents, taking what was good from her parents and attending courses and is now reaping the rewards of respectful and individual relationships with each of her sons. Wendy is a Parent Coach for parents who have children with anxiety, a Job Coach, and an entrepreneur.



Wen-Shwu Lee

Wenshwu is passionate as a corporate trainer and coach she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross cultural environments. Her leading style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates business trainings with personal experiences. She applies ideas of coaching, counseling, and creativity in the series of heart-brain integrated leadership development programs. She leads and assists personal growth workshops and leadership programs in China, Taiwan, and Canada. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is one of the Directors on The Haven Board and a member on the Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

加拿大The Haven学院心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士

文淑是一位热情, 专业, 平易近人的导师, 她拥有跨东西文化的丰富人生阅历. 她的教学以人性为出发点, 在她热情关怀和洞察人心的教学风格中, 文淑有效整合了她的企业背景与生活经验, 巧妙地将教练领导, 心理咨商, 与创意启发等不同的技巧融会应用于身心整合与全人启发的人才培育工作中。多年来她在加拿大, 中国大陆以及台湾教授个人成长以及领导力开发课程, 引导学员从桎梏的个人模式中, 转化压力为有效的资源, 蜕变出每一个人的独特魅力与全方位的领袖风范。文淑目前是加拿大著名的潜能开发学院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心导师, 同时她是乐泉咨询顾问公司The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. 的创办人。

This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and The China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.

Befriending Your Inner Critic and Finding Wholeness, Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:Louise Amuir & 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:August 12~20, 2022
| 人數:77

這次的課程我們總共有 77 名學員註冊參與 – 中國平台有 61 名,加拿大Haven 的平台有 16 名。 由於我們有兩位西方人參與 – 要特別感謝 Wendy (Schulz) 老師自願協助帶領我們的英語小組。 並且我對 Louise (Amuir) 老師深表感謝 —感謝妳整合了妳的兩個課程:“轉化內在的批判”和“以創意表達的方式提升覺察力”。 這也是我們第一次將藝術相關的創意表達課程帶到全球雙語線上課程的學習平台。 根據我們收到的反饋,我認為我們成功地將這兩個精彩的課程以線上的方式呈現給我們全球的觀眾。 Louise 老師,感謝妳的創造力和靈活性。 我非常喜歡和妳一起工作和共同創造。

This is the summary report of the subject program. We have in total 77 registrants – 61 on the China Platform and 16 on the Haven. Since we have two westerner participants – we appreciate Wendy (Schulz) volunteered to assist our English-speaking small group. AND – my deep appreciation to Louise – thank you for integrating your two programs: “BYIC” and “Awareness through Creative Expression.” This is also the very first time we bring creativity art expression to the Bilingual Online Platform. Based on the feedbacks we have been receiving I think we successfully brought the two wonderful programs online to our global audiences. Louise, thank you for your creativity and flexibility. I enjoy very much working and co-creating with you.

轉化內在的批判 – 發現完整的自己
Befriending Your Inner Critic and Finding Wholeness

歡迎加入路易絲 Louise Amuir 和李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 的線上學習旅程!讓我們一起用深入溫和充滿趣味的方式來探索自我。我們將結合創意表達、薩提爾Satir、海文Haven、黃煥祥博士Dr. Ben Wong 的景觀模型,以及身體定位的理論與實作。



  • 身心合一的靜心冥想
  • 內在整合的主題簡報
  • 創意與經驗式的學習
  • 小組分享與自我省思
  • 回家作業的落地實習


  • 與內心深處的自我連結 — 接受、相信自己並探索阻礙它的因素。
  • 與他人的關係互動中與深層的自我保持聯繫以培養傾聽和連結的能力。
  • 描繪你的內心世界 — 包括那個討厭的內在批評家。使用紙張、文字和圖像來探索自己獨特的生命歷程。
  • 聲音、風味和選擇 — 深入內心世界、旅遊指南提示、轉變消極的自我對話、建立自信、練習當下意識、學習有意識的語言。
  • 整合左右腦的同時發現自己的創造力,學習平衡大腦半球、釋放壓力,並從中尋找答案。
  • 體現做出選擇的力量。
  • 探索在創作過程中至關重要的輕鬆與趣味。

這是一個加拿大海文和中國團隊的跨國合作!感謝双方的合作我們才有機會將海文精彩的課程持續地從加拿大本土推廣到全球的平台上。 建議您先下載WeChat軟體,所以您可以更方便地收到我們的課程錄影以及課程提醒。

Join Louise Amuir and Wen-Shwu Lee in this deep and gentle exploration of the self. We will be working with a blend of creative process work, Satir, Haven, Ben Wong’s landscape model and somatic grounding.

Music, arts, movement, guided meditation, laughter, and story will be applied to help you build and rebuild relationship with your inner critic. Think of it like mediation between you and your critic or facilitating a creative meeting of the minds.

This program is for you if you have ever stopped yourself from doing or having what you truly want by telling yourself you aren’t good enough. We’ll dive into some of the origins of that belief and find ways to build a new relationship with that voice in the context of your deepest and WHOLE self.

We’ll work with the power of making your own choices to interrupt old self-defeating patterns and map out some new pathways to embody confidence and clarity navigating your inner landscape.

Each session will focus on different topics, and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect and every person’s choice is respected. The format will include:

  • Embodiment Meditations
  • Artistic Expressions
  • Teaching and Presentations
  • Experiential Exercises
  • Small Group Sharing and Reflections
  • Take Home Practices

Topics and Highlights:

  • Connecting with Your Deepest Self – accept, trust yourself and explore what gets in the way of that.
  • Develop listening and relating by staying in touch with deepest self while in response to others.
  • Mapping Your Inner Landscape – including that pesky inner critic. Use paper, words, and images to explore your unique life process.
  • Voices, Flavors, and Choices – going deeper into the Inner Landscape, travel guide tips, transform negative self-talk, build confidence, practice present moment awareness, learn intentional language.
  • Discover the creative parts of yourself while integrating your right and left brain, and learn proven techniques for balancing your brain hemispheres, releasing stress, and finding answers within.
  • Embodying the power of choice.
  • Explore the playful spirit so essential to the creative process.

主導老師 Leaders
Louise Amuir

Diploma of Haven Counselling and Diploma of Haven Group Leadership
Louise is interested in creativity and expressive arts as a means to connect with self and others. Louise is committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, reconciliation, and building collaborative processes. Louise’s varied life experiences in theatre, writing, art, dance, music, working with street youth, youth in receiving and treatment homes, parenting, relationships, and meditation bring humor, mindfulness, curiosity, and play to her work with people. As Haven faculty, Louise leads/co-leads: Befriending your Inner Critic; Inner Wisdom for Women; Awareness through Creative Expression; and Haven New Year visioning programs and assists on numerous core programs including Come Alive, Living Alive Intensives I, II, and III. Louise has extensive Satir training, delights in surfacing the Shadow, and always leads with heart. Louise works collaboratively in core Haven program teams and in special Haven teams both in China and in Northern Canada with First Nations communities. Louise has been associated with The Haven since 1989.

路易絲對創造力和藝術表達極感興趣,長年以此作為與自我和他人連結的方式。 她致力於多元化、包容性、公平、和解的理念發揚以及建立團隊協作流程。路易絲多樣的生命經驗包括了戲劇、寫作、藝術、舞蹈、音樂、街頭少年的工作、中途治療之家的青少年工作、親子教育、人際互動和冥想等方面,這些豐富的生活經歷為她與人們的工作帶來了幽默、正念、好奇心和趣味。身為 海文的導師,路易絲所帶領或共同帶領的課程有: 與你的內心批評交朋友;女性的內在智慧;通過創意表達提高覺察力;和海文學院新年願景計劃。同時她也積極協助眾多海文核心課程的規劃,包括:潛力甦醒、活潑生命 – 階段 I、II 和 III。路易絲接受過完整的薩提爾訓練,喜歡陰影探索,並且總是用心引導。路易絲與海文的核心團隊合作,工作的足跡遍佈加拿大,北美原住民社區,以及中國。自 1989 年以來,路易絲一直與加拿大海文學院保持聯繫。

Wen-Shwu Lee

Wenshwu is passionate as a corporate trainer and coach she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross cultural environments. Her leading style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates business trainings with personal experiences. She applies ideas of coaching, counseling, and creativity in the series of heart-brain integrated leadership development programs. She leads and assists personal growth workshops and leadership programs in China, Taiwan, and Canada. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is one of the Directors on The Haven Board and a member on the Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

加拿大The Haven学院心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士

文淑是一位热情, 专业, 平易近人的导师, 她拥有跨东西文化的丰富人生阅历. 她的教学以人性为出发点, 在她热情关怀和洞察人心的教学风格中, 文淑有效整合了她的企业背景与生活经验, 巧妙地将教练领导, 心理咨商, 与创意启发等不同的技巧融会应用于身心整合与全人启发的人才培育工作中。多年来她在加拿大, 中国大陆以及台湾教授个人成长以及领导力开发课程, 引导学员从桎梏的个人模式中, 转化压力为有效的资源, 蜕变出每一个人的独特魅力与全方位的领袖风范。文淑目前是加拿大著名的潜能开发学院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心导师, 同时她是乐泉咨询顾问公司The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. 的创办人.。

This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and The China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.

Come Alive – Onsite

| 導師:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee, 陶曉清 Cora Tao, 姚黛瑋 Debbie Yao,
| 時間:7/14~18, 2022
| 人數:36

今年 7 月,我們在台灣又舉辦了一次成功的「潛力甦醒 Come Alive」。 參加總人數為 36 人。其中 15 人是四月份潛力甦醒課程的複讀生。 因此,導師團隊(文淑,Cora,Debbie) 在原來的 Come Alive 課程結構上增加了界限的教學和練習。 我們收到的反饋大多是非常好,同時我們也收到了關於時間壓力的回饋。 總的來說,學員們很感謝老師們用心嘗試平衡新舊學員間不同深度的教學。 導師團隊不斷創新的試驗也包括:在今年 10 月和 11 月將推出的「潛力甦醒線上版」 — 這是為不方便上實體課程的朋友所設計,線上潛力甦醒的規劃目前正在進行中,請拭目以待。

We had another successful Come Alive in Taiwan this July. The total participants are 36. Fifteen of them are repeated students from the April Come Alive Program. Therefore, the leaders’ team (Wenshwu, Cora, Debbie) added boundary teaching and practicing on the original Come Alive structure. We received mostly very good feedbacks, and we did have a few feedbacks on the limited time for the topics. Overall, participants appreciated our efforts and heart trying to balance the teaching between old and new participants. The next program the leaders’ team is experimenting is to bring Come Alive online in Oct. and Nov. – the planning and marketing are in process. Stay Tune …

Come Alive in Taiwan

帶著無比興奮的心情在 2022 年我們將要把加拿大 The Haven 最受歡迎的核心課程 Come Alive 「潛力甦醒」帶到台灣了!首先要感謝我們在台灣的主辦單位「中華好好說話,學會」,謝謝所有工作同仁的努力,共同促成了這次精彩的成長之旅,「潛力甦醒」是海文學院最受歡迎的經典課程,它幫助了數以千計的人開啟了他們在個人以及專業上的成長與蛻變之旅。


Come Alive 的魅力在於它獨特的歷史,課程中有著名的海文核心模式介紹與體驗。在專業導師群的支持和指導下,您有機會學習並實踐海文學院的溝通模式、全我模式以及共鳴模式。課程中我們設計了各種團體活動、互動討論以及經驗式的學習機會,會在大組和小組不同團體動能中穿插進行。

「潛力甦醒」適合我,如果 …

  • 我想加深我的自我覺察並突破自我的框架限制
  • 我準備好培養更多的自我疼惜和自我接納
  • 我想體驗成為完整且真實的自己 — 得到思想、身體和精神上的自由
  • 我願意學習和實踐成長與轉化的溝通模式
  • 我想要有價值的見解來增強我的健康和福祉
  • 我想突破自我限制模式,過我想要的生活
  • 我好奇自己在人際關係、社群和世界中的位置
  • 我想重新發現生活中的快樂和意義
  • 我想要更和諧、充滿愛和充實的關係;我想知道什麼是真正的親密
  • 我希望提高專業技能;成為更真實的領導者,增強我的軟實力,並與我的同事建立更好的關係
  • 我想改變現狀並嘗試不同的東西……



  • 在安全與支持的環境中度過 5天,專注於自己。
  • 有機會向他人學習、建立連結並與他人建立深厚的情誼。
  • 學習結構由精神科醫生黃煥祥(Ben Wong)以及是醫生也是針灸師的麥基卓(Jock McKeen)共同研究開發出,採用了獨特的東西方整合的方法。
  • 通過各種方法進行創意與體驗式的學習:身體工作、呼吸、冥想、不同的活動,以及認知技能的發展,等。
  • 是一種培養自我疼惜和更深層自我覺察的有效方法。
  • 40 年來持續成功,有來自世界各地的數以千計的參與者。
  • 精選的專業課程導師群,他們在The Haven海文學院以及各種專業上都受過高度培訓。
  • 無與倫比的支持和高比例的參與者與領導團隊。
  • 完善的日程安排,包括每天中午休息以進行反思、與他人連結、以及晚間課後練習,等等。
  • 有機會進行一對一輔導,或通過視頻會議和各種本地團體,來支持您持續的學習整合到課堂之外落實生活。


Please contact with our organizer in Taiwan:
Collaborative Communications Academy
Email: chcc.academy@gmail.com

April 29 ~ May 3, 2022

B1F., No. 575, Mingshui Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Bennet Wong 和 Jock McKeen 的「新生命花園」:

學員必須有學習的意願和能力。 必須表現出願意負責任的自我照顧、負責任的自我組織以及良好的心理健康的能力。

COVID-19 協議:
Haven 將持續關注台灣地區衛生局的公告,並配合遵循當地所有相關的衛生政策。

Come Alive in Taiwan

With great excitement, in 2022, we will bring the most popular core program “Come Alive” in The Haven Canada, to Taiwan! First, we would like to thank our organizer in Taiwan, “Collaborative Communications Academy”. Thank you for your efforts to jointly promote this wonderful journey of growth. “Come Alive” is the most popular classic program of The Haven. It has helped thousands of people embark on a journey of personal and professional growth and transformation.

People from all walks of life, backgrounds, experiences, lifestyles, and locations join us and most experience something profound. The magic of Come Alive is in our unique history, renowned communication and relationship models, and community dynamic. With support and guidance, you will learn and practice the Haven models of communication, relationship, and self-responsibility, through a range of opportunities for personal learning. Group activities, discussions and experiences take place in both large and small group settings.


  • I want to deepen my self-awareness and move beyond self-imposed limits.
  • I’m ready to develop greater self-compassion and self-acceptance.
  • I want to experience the freedom of being my whole and authentic self – mind, body, and spirit.
  • I’m open to learning and practicing a transformative model for communication.
  • I want valuable insights to strengthen my health and well-being.
  • I want to break through self-limiting patterns and live the life I want.
  • I’m curious about myself and my place in relationships, community, and the world.
  • I want to rediscover joy and meaning in life.
  • I want more harmonious, loving and fulfilling relationships; I want to know what Intimacy really is.
  • I am looking to improve my professional skills; to be more authentic as a leader, bolster my ‘soft’ skills, and develop better relationships with my co-workers.
  • I want to shake things up and try something different …

“For the first time, I felt comfortable in my own skin…”

Program Highlights:

  • 5 days in a safe, respectful, and supported environment to focus on yourself.
  • Opportunity to learn from, relate to, and deeply connect with others.
  • A unique East meets West approach developed by a psychiatrist (Ben Wong) and a medical doctor and acupuncturist (Jock McKeen).
  • Experiential learning through diverse methods: bodywork, breath, visualization meditation, movement, and cognitive skill development.
  • A powerful approach to developing self-compassion and deeper self-awareness.
  • 40 years of continued success with thousands of participants from around the world.
  • Select expert program leaders, who are highly trained at The Haven and in their various professions.
  • Unparalleled support and a high ratio of participants to leadership team.
  • A full schedule, complete with daily breaks for introspection, connecting with others, evening take-home practices, and more.
  • Support to integrate your learning beyond The Haven through one-on-one coaching, online video meetings, and various local groups.

Program Fee:
Our deep gratitude to The Haven’s organizer in Taiwan “Collaborative Communications Academy”! For program information, registration, and payment, please click the link below, and our local service team will assist you.

Please contact with our organizer in Taiwan:
Collaborative Communications Academy
Email: chcc.academy@gmail.com

B1F., No. 575, Mingshui Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Recommended Resources:
Here are book titles that can complement and enhance your learning in this program. You can purchase when you are at Haven, or order online. Click to learn more:
+ Being: A Manual for Life by Bennet Wong & Jock McKeen

Admission Requirements:
The student must have the desire and ability to learn. Must demonstrate a capacity for responsible self-care, responsible self-organization, and sound mental health.

Covid 19 Protocols and Mask Mandates:
Haven will be constantly monitoring local Health Authority announcements and will follow local health policies accordingly.

This program will be co-led by one of the Haven Core Faculty Wen-Shwu Lee, and an elite leaders’ team: Cora Tao and Debbie Yao. 這個課程由 The Haven 海文學院核心導師李文淑負責帶領,以及一組菁英導師團隊共創:陶曉清和姚黛瑋。

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監
文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning, such as coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

陶曉清 Cora Tao

陶曉清:資深廣播人,2016年擔任牽手之聲網路電台台長,服務癌友。 2000年得到台灣流行音樂金曲獎的特殊貢獻獎。2017年得到第52屆廣 播金鐘獎特殊貢獻獎。 1992年初次去加拿大溫哥華Haven學院參加成長團體,後來決定繼續進修,在2010年取得Haven學院的諮商證書。 多年來透過身體的舞動、聲音的共鳴、曼達拉繪畫與棉紙撕畫的創 作,以及對心理劇的鑽研,過著身心合一的生活,並持續帶領各種相 關的心靈成長課程。 著作有:「寫給追求成長的你」、「讓真愛照亮每一天」、譯作有: 「生命花園」、「活出熱情」等與成長相關的書。 2016年出版「那些在青春網的日子」,2017年出版「生命的河流」。

Cora joined The Broadcasting Corporation of China in 1965 when she was 19. She started hosting American top 40’s program. Ten years later she launched another program named Chinese Western Folk Songs, in that it encouraged original compositions by college students and the best ones were broadcasted island wide. This program received overwhelming response thus gave birth to the Campus Folk Song Movement which led to Chinese music commercial development in the 80s. And she was named the Mother of Folk Music in Taiwan. In 1995 along with other musicians she founded The Chun Wah Music Workers Association (Chinese Musicians Exchange Association?). She served as its first and second chairwomen not only to organize folk song events and concerts but also held Top 10 music critics choice album and singles annually. In 2000 she received a Golden Melody special contribution award in recognition of her many achievements. She retired from broadcasting career in July 2008 and dedicated herself to professional training of helping people and get her Diploma in Counseling from Haven Institute of Canada in 2010. After breast cancer treatment in 2013 she started with friends to develop an online radio to serve cancer patients. And she led reading groups and different workshops with Debbie Yao.

Debbie Yao 姚黛瑋


A well-known actress and singer in Taiwan. In 1984, she participated and won in the “Golden Rhyme Award” singing contest and became a performing artist. She has released many albums, have been noticed by everyone because of her singing career. It is a household name in the Chinese community. After that, she continued to expand her acting career and was quite successful in the fields of soap opera, musicals, stage plays, TV and radio hosting, and satire shows. Performed in more than 30 TV series and dramas and was nominated for the “Golden Bell Awards” for Best Supporting Actress twice. In 1993, she began to participate in personal and professional psychological growth courses in Taiwan and abroad, and she became very interested in it. Besides her performing arts work, she continued to participate in courses at other times. At the same time, she also took time to return to university during her busy performing arts work. In 2014, she graduated from the Department of Family Studies and Child Development of Shih Chien University; In addition to experience, she also obtained the Dip.C from Haven Institute in Canada in 2019, and the National Second-level Psychological Counselor of China. She also has certificates of hypnosis and NLP, Singing Bowl, Reiki, etc.; leads self-growth workshops in Taiwan and Mainland China. Successfully started another career; also, because she is fluent in English, Mandarin and Taiwanese, she also is a very popular impromptu interpreter. Had published a book with Al Chambers “He Said, She Said”; Translated: “The New Manual of Life”. She still actively in entertainment business and co-led book clubs and workshops with Cora Tao for almost 20 years. She is also an assistant at the Haven Institute Canada. She hosts a one-hour radio show “Debbie’s Garden of Life” every week for cancer survivor and patients.

Eros and Intimacy – Connecting with Your Creative Life Force, Bilingual Online Program

| 導師:Elfi Dillon-Shaw & 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:June 18, 19, 25, 26, 2022
| 人數:103


這次中英雙語的「愛神和親密」課程,我們有 103 位註冊學員,其中 4 位作為銷售獎勵是免費的。 我們非常感謝 20 多人的工作團隊,他們是我們的小組助教和翻譯志工。 很高興這次課程中我們有五位學員是說英語的西方朋友們加入了我們的學習 — 感謝 Vicky 扮演了雙重角色,除了擔任 IT 技術支援外,同時也帶領了這次的英語小組。 我也很欣賞 Elfi 老師在課程中出色的表現。 Elfi,我喜歡和妳一起工作和學習。 我們也不斷收到學員們對這次課程的讚賞和正向反饋,他們的回饋特別是關於課程裡的豐富學習,以及這次在線學習於身心合一體驗上的有效性。

This is to provide the Summary Report of the Bilingual Eros and Intimacy Program. We had 103 registrants and 4 of them are free as sales incentives. We appreciate so much the over 20 people work team who are volunteers as our small group assistants and translators. We are delighted to include five English speaking participants – thank you Vicky for your double roles on IT and the English-speaking small group assistant. I also like to appreciate Elfi’s excellent work on this subject. I enjoy working and learning with you. We have been receiving appreciation and positive feedbacks from participants about the rich learning and the effectiveness of this online learning opportunity.

愛神與親密 – 啓動生命的原創力
Eros and Intimacy – Connecting with Your Creative Life Force







  • 身心合一的靜心冥想
  • 愛神和親密主題簡報
  • 創意與經驗式的學習
  • 小組分享與自我省思
  • 回家作業的落地實習


  • 活在愛中的七元素:情境背景、感官知覺、性感物化、親密連結、性別認同、全人健康,靈性價值。
  • 經由情境背景了解自己與他人
  • 在感官知覺中經驗生命的流動
  • 探索性感與權力的角色與物化
  • 親密關係中依附與獨立的推拉
  • 從全人健康的觀點看愛的習題
  • 在不同的性別認同中包容彼此
  • 大愛在靈性層次的價值與力量

這是一個加拿大海文和中國團隊的跨國合作!感謝双方的合作我們才有機會將海文精彩的課程持續地從加拿大本土推廣到全球的平台上。 建議您先下載WeChat軟體,所以您可以更方便地收到我們的課程錄影以及課程提醒。

Eros and Intimacy – Connecting with Your Creative Life Force

Daily life as “For Play”

Erotic energy, or life energy, is the creative force that moves us into connection with life and with nature. It circulates within our own bodies and draws us to another. Each one of us began life through the dance of Eros between two people.

In human relationships sexual erotic energy can often be a source of misunderstanding and struggle, shame, and guilt. With open hearts and deeper understanding about how erotic energy moves through our life and relationship cycles we can learn how to open to the pleasure of being fully alive in our senses, alone, and with each other. We learn to embrace the vulnerability and revelation that accompany erotic knowledge and sharing.

In this course you will be invited to learn how to nurture and engage your own erotic energy and, if you are partnered, how to share this with your loved one. We offer insight into the connection between erotic and spiritual experiencing through body centered learning, through dialogue with one another and self-reflection.

Erotic energy will ebb and flow even in the most loving couple. This could bring about suffering and misunderstanding in their relationship. We will explore how to communicate our erotic being with less shame, with honesty, and a loving heart.

Each session will focus on different topics related to Eros and Intimacy and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect and every person’s choice is respected. The format will include:

  • Embodiment meditations
  • Presentations about Eros and Intimacy in Relationships
  • Experiential exercises
  • Small group sharing and reflections
  • Take home practices

Topics and Highlights

  • Overview on Perspectives of Erotic Living – The Seven Circles of Sexuality: Context, Sensuality, Sexualization and Objectification, Intimacy, Sexual Identity, Whole Person Sexual Health, and Spirituality/Values
  • Sensuality: coming alive in the body through senses
  • Sexualization/Objectification: sex and power, sexuality post romance
  • Intimacy: eros in relationships, the desire for comfort vs the desire for novelty, the willingness to move from power to connection
  • Whole Person Sexual Health: physical/spiritual/relational, gender identity and roles, the role of values and spirituality in erotic life

主導老師 Leaders
Elfi Dillon-Shaw

is a massage practitioner, bodyworker and educator with 20 years’ experience fostering experiences of pleasure and well-being. She teaches programs on sexuality, body practices and stress management, including Sexual Intelligence, Stirring the Cauldron, and Eros and Intimacy (with her husband Gary Dillon). She has worked at The Haven since 1983.


Wen-Shwu Lee

Wenshwu is passionate as a corporate trainer and coach she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross cultural environments. Her leading style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates business trainings with personal experiences. She applies ideas of coaching, counseling, and creativity in the series of heart-brain integrated leadership development programs. She leads and assists personal growth workshops and leadership programs in China, Taiwan, and Canada. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is one of the Directors on The Haven Board and a member on the Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

加拿大The Haven学院心理谘商文凭

文淑是一位热情, 专业, 平易近人的导师, 她拥有跨东西文化的丰富人生阅历. 她的教学以人性为出发点, 在她热情关怀和洞察人心的教学风格中, 文淑有效整合了她的企业背景与生活经验, 巧妙地将教练领导, 心理咨商, 与创意启发等不同的技巧融会应用于身心整合与全人启发的人才培育工作中。多年来她在加拿大, 中国大陆以及台湾教授个人成长以及领导力开发课程, 引导学员从桎梏的个人模式中, 转化压力为有效的资源, 蜕变出每一个人的独特魅力与全方位的领袖风范。文淑目前是加拿大著名的潜能开发学院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心导师, 同时她是乐泉咨询顾问公司The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. 的创办人.。

This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and The China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.

Come Alive – Onsite

| 導師:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee, 陶曉清 Cora Tao, 姚黛瑋 Debbie Yao
| 時間:4/19~5/3, 2022
| 人數:26

這是首次我們將加拿大海文學院最經典也是最受歡迎的課程「Come Alive 潛力甦醒」原汁原味地帶到台灣,這也是第一次導師團隊以中文母語來開辦這精彩的課程!雖然受到全球疫情的衝擊,我們仍然有 26 名熱情參與的學員,這是第一屆中文潛力甦醒 Come Alive in Mandarin 在台灣非常成功的落地生根。 我們收到學員的反饋是積極和支持的。 這次的成功再次說明了 The Haven 的教學方式及精神理念是回應著社會的需求。 非常感謝我們在台灣的合作夥伴:賴佩霞老師和她的團隊「好好說話學會 CCA」,導師團隊(我自已李文淑,以及陶曉清和姚黛瑋兩位老師),同時我們也有三位好友接受我們的邀請以志工方式共同扶持小組的進行,整個團隊的溝通,協作,與共創,是這次成功的關鍵! 非常感謝! 疫情的壓力下,感恩ㄧ切都在祝福中平安度過 — 只有一位學員在最後一天被隔離,因為她的丈夫檢測呈陽性。 當天我們也為該學員彈性提供了線上上課的替代作法,這位學員也表達了感謝工作團隊的線上服務和彈性。

The very first Come Alive in Taiwan is very successful! Considering the Pandemic we remained 26 registrants. The feedbacks we’ve been receiving are positive and supportive. Again, it says The Haven is responding to the social needs and market demand. My deep appreciation to Tammy and her team CCA, Collaborative Communications Academy – our local sponsor. The authentic teamwork among leaders (I – Wenshwu, Cora, and Debbie) also contributes to the success. Three of our friends were invited as volunteers to co-facilitate the small groups. All is blessed and all is well – only one person was quarantined on the last day of the program because her husband was tested positive. We provided this participant the online access to the program. She was grateful to our online service and spontaneity.

Come Alive in Taiwan

帶著無比興奮的心情在 2022 年我們將要把加拿大 The Haven 最受歡迎的核心課程 Come Alive 「潛力甦醒」帶到台灣了!首先要感謝我們在台灣的主辦單位「中華好好說話,學會」,謝謝所有工作同仁的努力,共同促成了這次精彩的成長之旅,「潛力甦醒」是海文學院最受歡迎的經典課程,它幫助了數以千計的人開啟了他們在個人以及專業上的成長與蛻變之旅。


Come Alive 的魅力在於它獨特的歷史,課程中有著名的海文核心模式介紹與體驗。在專業導師群的支持和指導下,您有機會學習並實踐海文學院的溝通模式、全我模式以及共鳴模式。課程中我們設計了各種團體活動、互動討論以及經驗式的學習機會,會在大組和小組不同團體動能中穿插進行。

「潛力甦醒」適合我,如果 …

  • 我想加深我的自我覺察並突破自我的框架限制
  • 我準備好培養更多的自我疼惜和自我接納
  • 我想體驗成為完整且真實的自己 — 得到思想、身體和精神上的自由
  • 我願意學習和實踐成長與轉化的溝通模式
  • 我想要有價值的見解來增強我的健康和福祉
  • 我想突破自我限制模式,過我想要的生活
  • 我好奇自己在人際關係、社群和世界中的位置
  • 我想重新發現生活中的快樂和意義
  • 我想要更和諧、充滿愛和充實的關係;我想知道什麼是真正的親密
  • 我希望提高專業技能;成為更真實的領導者,增強我的軟實力,並與我的同事建立更好的關係
  • 我想改變現狀並嘗試不同的東西……



  • 在安全與支持的環境中度過 5天,專注於自己。
  • 有機會向他人學習、建立連結並與他人建立深厚的情誼。
  • 學習結構由精神科醫生黃煥祥(Ben Wong)以及是醫生也是針灸師的麥基卓(Jock McKeen)共同研究開發出,採用了獨特的東西方整合的方法。
  • 通過各種方法進行創意與體驗式的學習:身體工作、呼吸、冥想、不同的活動,以及認知技能的發展,等。
  • 是一種培養自我疼惜和更深層自我覺察的有效方法。
  • 40 年來持續成功,有來自世界各地的數以千計的參與者。
  • 精選的專業課程導師群,他們在The Haven海文學院以及各種專業上都受過高度培訓。
  • 無與倫比的支持和高比例的參與者與領導團隊。
  • 完善的日程安排,包括每天中午休息以進行反思、與他人連結、以及晚間課後練習,等等。
  • 有機會進行一對一輔導,或通過視頻會議和各種本地團體,來支持您持續的學習整合到課堂之外落實生活。


Please contact with our organizer in Taiwan:
Collaborative Communications Academy
Email: chcc.academy@gmail.com

April 29 ~ May 3, 2022

B1F., No. 575, Mingshui Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Bennet Wong 和 Jock McKeen 的「新生命花園」:

學員必須有學習的意願和能力。 必須表現出願意負責任的自我照顧、負責任的自我組織以及良好的心理健康的能力。

COVID-19 協議:
Haven 將持續關注台灣地區衛生局的公告,並配合遵循當地所有相關的衛生政策。

Come Alive in Taiwan

With great excitement, in 2022, we will bring the most popular core program “Come Alive” in The Haven Canada, to Taiwan! First, we would like to thank our organizer in Taiwan, “Collaborative Communications Academy”. Thank you for your efforts to jointly promote this wonderful journey of growth. “Come Alive” is the most popular classic program of The Haven. It has helped thousands of people embark on a journey of personal and professional growth and transformation.

People from all walks of life, backgrounds, experiences, lifestyles, and locations join us and most experience something profound. The magic of Come Alive is in our unique history, renowned communication and relationship models, and community dynamic. With support and guidance, you will learn and practice the Haven models of communication, relationship, and self-responsibility, through a range of opportunities for personal learning. Group activities, discussions and experiences take place in both large and small group settings.


  • I want to deepen my self-awareness and move beyond self-imposed limits.
  • I’m ready to develop greater self-compassion and self-acceptance.
  • I want to experience the freedom of being my whole and authentic self – mind, body, and spirit.
  • I’m open to learning and practicing a transformative model for communication.
  • I want valuable insights to strengthen my health and well-being.
  • I want to break through self-limiting patterns and live the life I want.
  • I’m curious about myself and my place in relationships, community, and the world.
  • I want to rediscover joy and meaning in life.
  • I want more harmonious, loving and fulfilling relationships; I want to know what Intimacy really is.
  • I am looking to improve my professional skills; to be more authentic as a leader, bolster my ‘soft’ skills, and develop better relationships with my co-workers.
  • I want to shake things up and try something different …

“For the first time, I felt comfortable in my own skin…”

Program Highlights:

  • 5 days in a safe, respectful, and supported environment to focus on yourself.
  • Opportunity to learn from, relate to, and deeply connect with others.
  • A unique East meets West approach developed by a psychiatrist (Ben Wong) and a medical doctor and acupuncturist (Jock McKeen).
  • Experiential learning through diverse methods: bodywork, breath, visualization meditation, movement, and cognitive skill development.
  • A powerful approach to developing self-compassion and deeper self-awareness.
  • 40 years of continued success with thousands of participants from around the world.
  • Select expert program leaders, who are highly trained at The Haven and in their various professions.
  • Unparalleled support and a high ratio of participants to leadership team.
  • A full schedule, complete with daily breaks for introspection, connecting with others, evening take-home practices, and more.
  • Support to integrate your learning beyond The Haven through one-on-one coaching, online video meetings, and various local groups.

Program Fee:
Our deep gratitude to The Haven’s organizer in Taiwan “Collaborative Communications Academy”! For program information, registration, and payment, please click the link below, and our local service team will assist you.

Please contact with our organizer in Taiwan:
Collaborative Communications Academy
Email: chcc.academy@gmail.com

B1F., No. 575, Mingshui Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Recommended Resources:
Here are book titles that can complement and enhance your learning in this program. You can purchase when you are at Haven, or order online. Click to learn more:
+ Being: A Manual for Life by Bennet Wong & Jock McKeen

Admission Requirements:
The student must have the desire and ability to learn. Must demonstrate a capacity for responsible self-care, responsible self-organization, and sound mental health.

Covid 19 Protocols and Mask Mandates:
Haven will be constantly monitoring local Health Authority announcements and will follow local health policies accordingly.

This program will be co-led by one of the Haven Core Faculty Wen-Shwu Lee, and an elite leaders’ team: Cora Tao and Debbie Yao. 這個課程由 The Haven 海文學院核心導師李文淑負責帶領,以及一組菁英導師團隊共創:陶曉清和姚黛瑋。

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

加拿大The Haven學院核心導師
加拿大The Haven學院前董事
加拿大The Haven學院前中國實習生總監
文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位華人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。

Wen-Shwu Lee
CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Intermediate II/III Certification
Wenshwu is passionate as an educator and a life coach she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross-cultural environment. Her leadership style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates her professional trainings with personal experiences. She applies various schools of learning, such as coaching, counseling, creativity, SE (Somatic Experiencing), and PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in the series of heart-brain integrated personal and professional development programs. She designs and leads onsite workshops and online programs in greater China area, north America, and around the globe. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses so many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression to useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is so far the only Chinese approved to the Haven Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

陶曉清 Cora Tao

陶曉清:資深廣播人,2016年擔任牽手之聲網路電台台長,服務癌友。 2000年得到台灣流行音樂金曲獎的特殊貢獻獎。2017年得到第52屆廣 播金鐘獎特殊貢獻獎。 1992年初次去加拿大溫哥華Haven學院參加成長團體,後來決定繼續進修,在2010年取得Haven學院的諮商證書。 多年來透過身體的舞動、聲音的共鳴、曼達拉繪畫與棉紙撕畫的創 作,以及對心理劇的鑽研,過著身心合一的生活,並持續帶領各種相 關的心靈成長課程。 著作有:「寫給追求成長的你」、「讓真愛照亮每一天」、譯作有: 「生命花園」、「活出熱情」等與成長相關的書。 2016年出版「那些在青春網的日子」,2017年出版「生命的河流」。

Cora joined The Broadcasting Corporation of China in 1965 when she was 19. She started hosting American top 40’s program. Ten years later she launched another program named Chinese Western Folk Songs, in that it encouraged original compositions by college students and the best ones were broadcasted island wide. This program received overwhelming response thus gave birth to the Campus Folk Song Movement which led to Chinese music commercial development in the 80s. And she was named the Mother of Folk Music in Taiwan. In 1995 along with other musicians she founded The Chun Wah Music Workers Association (Chinese Musicians Exchange Association?). She served as its first and second chairwomen not only to organize folk song events and concerts but also held Top 10 music critics choice album and singles annually. In 2000 she received a Golden Melody special contribution award in recognition of her many achievements. She retired from broadcasting career in July 2008 and dedicated herself to professional training of helping people and get her Diploma in Counseling from Haven Institute of Canada in 2010. After breast cancer treatment in 2013 she started with friends to develop an online radio to serve cancer patients. And she led reading groups and different workshops with Debbie Yao.

Debbie Yao 姚黛瑋


A well-known actress and singer in Taiwan. In 1984, she participated and won in the “Golden Rhyme Award” singing contest and became a performing artist. She has released many albums, have been noticed by everyone because of her singing career. It is a household name in the Chinese community. After that, she continued to expand her acting career and was quite successful in the fields of soap opera, musicals, stage plays, TV and radio hosting, and satire shows. Performed in more than 30 TV series and dramas and was nominated for the “Golden Bell Awards” for Best Supporting Actress twice. In 1993, she began to participate in personal and professional psychological growth courses in Taiwan and abroad, and she became very interested in it. Besides her performing arts work, she continued to participate in courses at other times. At the same time, she also took time to return to university during her busy performing arts work. In 2014, she graduated from the Department of Family Studies and Child Development of Shih Chien University; In addition to experience, she also obtained the Dip.C from Haven Institute in Canada in 2019, and the National Second-level Psychological Counselor of China. She also has certificates of hypnosis and NLP, Singing Bowl, Reiki, etc.; leads self-growth workshops in Taiwan and Mainland China. Successfully started another career; also, because she is fluent in English, Mandarin and Taiwanese, she also is a very popular impromptu interpreter. Had published a book with Al Chambers “He Said, She Said”; Translated: “The New Manual of Life”. She still actively in entertainment business and co-led book clubs and workshops with Cora Tao for almost 20 years. She is also an assistant at the Haven Institute Canada. She hosts a one-hour radio show “Debbie’s Garden of Life” every week for cancer survivor and patients.

Transforming Addictions ~ English Online Program
Part A: Building a Resilient Foundation
Part B: Sustaining Recovery & Embracing Life

| Leaders: Wen-Shwu Lee, Cathy Wilder, Vicky Frederiksen

Part A 9/15~10/20, 2020; Participants: 26
Part B: 11/3~19, 2020; Participants: 22
Part A 4/13~5/18, 2021; Participants: 22
Part B: 9/7~10/12, 2021; Participants: 22
Part A 3/1~4/12, 2022; Participants: 10
Part B: 5/17~6/28, 2022; Participants: 8

NOTE: both have been confirmed re: names and The Haven has permission to use

Dr Helen Peel: “
The Haven have managed to bring their unique, inspiring format and approach to the virtual platform. It’s wonderful to be able to have a slice of The Haven in my own home, especially in these challenging times.”

Chantelle Voisin: “
This is my second Haven experience, considering it was online I have to commend it came with the same amazing energy. I appreciate the ability to attend at a more cost-efficient amount due to the class being online, and it also allowed me to join while being in another province and maintaining my work schedule.

The teachers were great, the class was inclusive, the learning was very relevant, and I can apply the tools in my everyday life.

Thank you!

I would and do recommend the Haven to anyone that desires growth or change in their life in some shape or form. The community always welcoming and supportive; the teaching amazing and applicable. I realize in both my Haven experiences (one in person, one online) the energy of the environment is one of peace and healing. This allows the comfort and willingness to open up, be vulnerable, and work through what is needed. I cannot say enough good things, if you have not participated in the Haven before, now is the time!

Thank you, Haven team!”

Participant’s Feedback
Positive Feedback:

  • Leaders are passionate, knowledgeable, and engaged.
  • I think they are lovely; I like that they share their personal experiences. I enjoy their joyful energies, which radiate even via Zoom.
  • Well prepared and skilled.
  • Willing to be authentic and share previous vulnerabilities.
  • Great listeners and questioners.
  • The teachers were great, the class was inclusive, the learning was very relevant, and I can apply the tools in my everyday life.
  • The leaders were outstanding: energetic, compassionate, inclusive, and knowledgeable. They worked well as a team and yet each person shone as an individual instructor. They were able to create a safe environment for people to share, and they gave meaningful and supportive feedback.
  • Liked the group sharing, and really enjoyed the information on neuroscience of addiction.
  • A highlight for me was Gabor Mate’s presentation and I found the diagrams of models useful.
  • Liked Having a buddy to text with between classes. Personal examples of theories.
  • I enjoyed going into the small rooms and then back to the big rooms, I liked having a partner system, love the dancing breaks and meditation.
  • Wen-Shwu you light up a virtual room
  • A highlight for me was the song and poem at the end of each session. These were very moving and were obviously choses with great care.

Constructive Feedback:

  • I’m finding sometimes it can be hard to follow the teaching content. Clearer explanations would be helpful.
  • Less large group discussion, more teaching and workshop type exercises.
  • I would like the leaders to leave more silence after asking someone a question. They tend to fill the silence quickly and ask a different question or answer for the person without giving the person a chance to think.
  • Re: choosing buddies on Day 1: That part felt very rushed and pushed and did not feel like there was time to use discernment or notice who I might be drawn to or not.
  • I do not get as much out of group or break out discussions and would prefer a meaty presentation of new models and ideas from leaders before things are opened to everyone. I would prefer more directed rather than open-ended discussions.

Many people say The Haven was “the missing link” in their recovery from a variety of addictive behaviors.
We may hear the word “addiction” and think of alcohol or hard drugs, however, addictive substances can also include things like caffeine, sugar, tobacco, and cannabis. And, while substance addictions are common forms of dependency, they are also not the only ones! This series also applies to people struggling with behavioral addictions, like gambling, sex (including online pornography), internet browsing and social media, shopping, video gaming, plastic surgery, binge-eating/food, risk-taking, pain-seeking, spiritual obsessing, over-exercising, over-working, self-hate/victimization, and other addictive processes you may experience.

Are any of these statements true for you?

  1. I find myself slipping into unhealthy patterns.
  2. I’m in recovery, but I’m worried about relapse.
  3. I have trouble being intimate with others.
  4. I have struggled in destructive relationships.
  5. I don’t feel good enough or deserving.

If you can relate to any one of these, this series may be a perfect opportunity to first build a resilient foundation and next, sustain recovery and embrace life!

“The Haven have managed to bring their unique, inspiring format and approach to the virtual platform. It’s wonderful to be able to have a slice of The Haven in my own home, especially in these challenging times.” – Dr. Helen Peel, past participant

Series Format:
This 2-part series will be held on Zoom, incorporating experiential exercises, group discussion, breakouts, presentations and more. In addition to over 24 hours of live online learning, you will receive take-home practices and opportunities to connect with a buddy in the group. If you miss a session, you will be able to access the recordings. You can register for each part of the series individually or save by purchasing the package. The intention of a 2-part series extending over 6 months is to provide continuous learning, opportunities to repattern, and meaningful change.

“The teachers were great, the class was inclusive, the learning was very relevant, and I can apply the tools in my everyday life.” – Chantelle Voisin, past participant

Part A: Building a Resilient Foundation
Tuesdays 6-8pm PT, April 13th through May 18th

During these six 2-hour sessions you will learn

  • Rich discussion on freedom/self-responsibility, power/strength, shame/self-compassion
  • Introduction to Satir and Haven Models
  • Learning about neurobiology and addictions
  • Tools for shifting perspectives and patterns and building new neural pathways.
  • Building a community of support

Part B: Sustaining Recovery & Embracing Life
Tuesdays 6-8pm PT, September 7th through October 12th

During these six 2-hour sessions you will learn

  • Learning and practicing healthy communication, including conflict
  • Discovering courage through vulnerability
  • Considering and connecting to your spirituality
  • Discussing relapse
  • Learning how to incorporate self-care and ask for/give support
  • Thriving with purpose, meaning, engagement, creativity

The Daily Practice of the Illuminated Heart, Fund Raising

| 主講:Jock McKeen & 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
| 時間:March 18, 2022
| 人數:153

以下是這次募款講座活動的總結報告。 我們有來自世界各地的 153 名參與者,在活動當天 – 太平洋時間 2022 年 3 月 18 日大約有 120 人上線。 我們不斷聽到參與學員們非常積極正向的反饋,大多數人都很欣賞“The Illuminated Heart 存乎一心”這本書的撰寫背景和深層含義。 聽說不少閱讀小組正在啟動,好像這個學習趨勢仍在延續中。 最後也是同樣重要的,我要感謝我們有好幾位說英語的西方朋友們也報名並支持著這項活動。 非常感謝中國和加拿大的整個工作團隊。

Hereafter is the summary report of the subject program. We have 153 participants from all over the world and around 120 came online on Mar. 18, 2022, PT. We keep hearing very positive feedbacks and mostly they are appreciating the context and the deeper meaning of “The Illuminated Heart!” The momentum seems keeping on when I heard quite a few reading groups are starting up. Last but not least I like to appreciate a few of our English-speaking friends also signed up to support this event. Big thank you for the whole work team in China and Canada.

The Everyday Practice of the Illuminated Heart

加入我們一起來體驗海文創辦人Dr. Jock McKeen與李文淑老師的跨洋對話與双語分享:「存乎一心的日常實踐」 !Jock與海文的另一位創辦人Bennet Wong共同創辦了海文學院,並且設計了一系列四十多年來歷久彌新的海文核心課程,其中重要的理論板塊與體驗練習也是兩人多年專業研究與生活實踐的累積。「存乎一心」這本書不但整合了Ben and Jock畢生的鑽研,也是在Ben過世前他們共同著作的最終呈現。這次網路研討會真是很難得的機會,我們邀請到Jock在線分享他與Ben的整合與共創 – 讓我們一起來了解 Jock 如何探索並將書中的想法應用到他的日常實踐中,以及文淑老師又如何將她的海文學習融入工作與生活。

“當黃煥祥和我寫「存乎一心:東方與西方的心理學與思想」這本書時,我們原本打算將它寫成一本大型的參考書,來呈現我們兩人在Haven海文學院教學的根源和細節。我們當時的信念是(至目前為止我仍然是這麼認為):人們可以使用不同的想法、模式和練習來提升成長自己,無論是在日常生活中,還是在他們的專業裏。這一次的線上研討會,我和文淑將一起探討如何在日常生活的種種挑戰中,經由身體力行地實踐來探索書中所傳達的理念,讓朋友們可以更生活地將書中的想法落實。參與這個研討會是不需要閱讀這本書的,但我仍建議你不妨考慮在課前參閱這本書「存乎一心」。” By Jock McKeen, Feb. 1, 2022


Haven 共同創辦人 Dr. Jock McKeen與李文淑老師的精彩對話與雙語分享。


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主講人 About the Leaders
麥基卓 Jock McKeen
MD, LicAc (UK), DLitt

海文學院的聯合創始人兼該學院的榮譽教授,基卓也是一位多才多藝的主持人和作家。他最初是一名急診醫生,後來在英國牛津的中國針灸學院學習針灸。與黃煥祥共同建立了互補的醫療方法之後,他們合作創立了海文學院。他們開發了海文的核心課程,撰寫了大量的書籍,並四處旅行到許多國家分享他們的理念與經驗。煥祥和基卓多年來經常在亞洲任教,將他們的海文經驗帶給說中文的朋友們。您可以在專門介紹基卓及其畢生工作的維基百科頁面上 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_McKeen) 閱讀有關基卓更多的信息。

Jock McKeen, co-founder, and Faculty Emeritus of The Haven is an accomplished presenter and author. Starting out as an emergency physician, he studied acupuncture at the College of Chinese Acupuncture, Oxford, England. After establishing a complementary medical practice in association with Bennet Wong, they collaborated in the development of The Haven. They developed the Core Programs at Haven, wrote numerous books, and travelled extensively to share their approach in many countries. Ben and Jock frequently taught in Asia for many years, bringing their Haven teaching to Chinese speaking people. You can read more about Jock at the Wikipedia entry devoted to him and his life’s work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_McKeen).

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee

文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師,她擁有跨東西文化的豐富人生閱歷。她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷和洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效整合了她的企業背景與生活經驗,巧妙地將教練領導,心理諮商,與創意啟發等不同的技巧融會應用於身心整合與全人啟發的人才培育工作中。多年來她在加拿大,中國大陸以及台灣教授個人成長以及領導力開發課程,引導學員從桎梏的個人模式中,轉化壓力為有效的資源,蛻變出每一個人的獨特魅力與全方位的領袖風範。文淑目前是加拿大著名的潛能開發學院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心導師,同時她是樂泉諮詢顧問公司The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. 的創辦人。

Wenshwu is a passionate corporate trainer and coach; in her work, she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross cultural environments. Her leading style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates business trainings with personal experiences. She applies ideas of coaching, counseling, and creativity in the series of heart-brain integrated leadership development programs. She leads and assists personal growth workshops and leadership programs in China, Taiwan, and Canada. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression into useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is a Director on The Haven Board and a member on the Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.

The Everyday Practice of the Illuminated Heart

Join us to experience a cross-ocean dialogue and bilingual sharing between The Haven Co-Founder Dr. Jock McKeen and Wen-Shwu Lee: Daily Practice of the Illuminated Heart! Jock and his deceased partner Dr. Bennet Wong co-founded The Haven and co-designed a series of inspiring Haven core programs that have lasted over 40 years. In these programs, theoretical models and experiential exercises are based on Ben and Jock’s professional research and their living practices. “The Illuminated Heart” integrates Ben and Jock’s lifelong learning; this book was the final presentation of their co-creation just before Ben’s death. This webinar is a great opportunity to hear from Jock how he explores and applies the ideas in the book to his daily practice, and to learn from Wenshwu what she has incorporated into her own life.

“When Bennet Wong and I wrote The Illuminated Heart: Perspectives on East-West Psychology and Thought, we intended it to be a big reference book to show the source and details of our teachings. Our belief was (and mine still is) that people can use ideas and models and practices to enhance themselves, both in their daily lives, and in their professions. In this seminar, Wenshwu and I will discuss the challenge of establishing practices in your daily life that permit you to explore the ideas in the book. Although it is not necessary to have read the book, I recommend that you do read it before attending this session.”
By Dr. Jock McKeen, Feb. 1, 2022

This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and our China Team. We are grateful for the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.